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 范畴转换理论指导下的科技英汉翻译中主语的译法实践报告——以Blockchain for 5G Healthcare Applications为例    












 文学 - 翻译 - 英语笔译    






















 A Report on the E-C Translation of Subjects in a Technical Text under the Guidance of Category Shift Theory—A Case Study of Blockchain for 5G Healthcare Applications    


 范畴转换理论 ; 卡特福德 ; 主语 ; 科技文本    


 Category Shift Theory ; Catford ; Subject ; Technical Text    



本报告所选用的翻译实践文本Blockchain for 5G Healthcare Applications《区块链在5G医疗领域的应用》(节选)由英国工程技术学会出版于2022年1月18日,属于典型的科技类文本,此类文本注重信息的简洁明确,需要基于英汉语言差异进行主语的恰当转换。原文本中存在很多无灵主语、形式主语句、不易识别主语的长难句,以及英汉翻译中主语无法一一对应的句子,需要在汉译文本中进行主语增删或结构调整,以实现科技汉译文本信息传递功能的最大化。



As one of the backbones of a sentence, subject represents what is mainly talked about. It concerns the building of the whole sentence to some extent. Accurate translation of the subject is crucial to the accurate communication of the message, and also helps the translation of all other components in a sentence. Subjects are normally noun-based in English while in Chinese they are less restricted. Due to the huge differences between Chinese and English, flexible adaptations of subjects have to be employed in E-C translation to make the paragraph reasonably detailed, clear in meaning and conform to the expression habits of the target language.

The report is based on the E-C translation of Blockchain for 5G Healthcare Applications (excerpt), which was published on IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology) on January 18, 2022. The source text is a typical technical text, being highly professional and informative. The accurate transmission of information is quite important for such kind of text, requiring appropriate subject conversion based on English-Chinese language differences. There are many inanimate subjects and formal subjects, long and complex sentences whose subjects cannot be easily identified, and other circumstances that prevent E-C subject correspondence. The translator must make some adjustments to the subjects to make sure the meaning is perfectly delivered.

To figure out the E-C translation techniques of subjects in technical texts, the author finished the translation practice under the guidance of Catford’s category shift theory. The report presents the translation methods and techniques involved from three aspects: structural shift, class shift and unit shift. And the structural shift was further divided into the following four aspects: shift from subject to topic, shift from dummy subject to null subject, shift from inanimate subject to animate subject and shift from subject to non-subject (other syntactic components, such as predicate, object and adverbial). Class shift is mainly about the conversion from nouns to verbs, attributes and adverbials as well as prepositions to verbs. Unit shift is mainly about the conversion from lower noun phrase to higher clause. The author believes that these shifts can make the translator pay more attention to meaning communication rather than formal correspondence. It is hoped that this report can provide some help for the E-C translation of subjects in technical texts, and at the same time, help improve the translation quality and efficiency in the future.

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