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 A Preliminary Research of Glioma Automatic Segmentation based on Deep Learning Method    


 胶质瘤图像 ; 人工神经网络 ; CNN ; FCN ; 自动分割 ; 深度学习 ; Caffe    


 Glioma Image ; Artificial Neural Network ; CNN ; FCN ; Automatic Segmentation ; Deep Learning ; Caffe    



胶质瘤是中枢神经系统中最常见而又最难治的恶性肿瘤之一,我们迫切需要一种无创而且易操作的生物标记来描述潜在的分子活动并预测治疗反应。对肿瘤进行分类后做有针对性的治疗对患者有很大的好处,医学图像能够在医务人员对患者进行诊断和制定治疗方案时提供帮助。例如对肿瘤疾病的诊断往往是依靠医生对肿瘤病变轮廓特征信息的分析来进行的,通过对病灶的形状,边界,截面面积和体积等进行测量和分析来制定治疗方案。已经有论文提出用MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)等广泛使用的影像技术来提取这些肿瘤的特征并进行特定的分类。

本论文研究的内容是基于深度学习卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN)和全卷积网络(Fully Convolutional Networks,FCN)来对胶质瘤图像进行自动分割。CNN是人工神经网络中的一种,是深度学习中的卷积神经网络,在分类分割与语音识别及自然语言处理等方面是研究热点。它具有权值共享的网络结构,这样既减少了权值的数量也降低了网络的复杂度。FCN是全卷积神经网络,可以将待分割图像直接作为网络的输入,自动提取图像的特征,与传统算法中复杂的特征提取和数据重建过程完全不同。卷积神经网络通过组合低层特征形成更加抽象的高层特征来发现数据的分布式特征,网络具有从输入数据中学习来对未知样本进行预测的能力。

随着数据量的扩大和硬件技术的不断提高,GPU运算能力增强,深度学习有了充分发展的空间,出现了许多深度学习框架。例如,贾扬清博士写的清晰而高效的开源深度学习框架Caffe(Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding)。Caffe支持命令行,Python和Matlab接口,可以在CPU或者GPU上运行。本文所用的是基于Caffe框架的CNN模型和FCN模型来对胶质瘤的MRI图像进行自动分割,最后的分割精度可以分别达到50.08%和83.09%。CNN模型和FCN模型都能应用在胶质瘤图像的分割中,其中FCN模型可以实现端对端的分类,输入图片的大小不再固定,输出图像与输入图像大小相同,为分类后的标签。


Medical images are very important in the diagnosis of patients with tumor, this noninvasive method would provide useful guidance for the diagnosis and treatment of tumor, achieving personalized treatment. Medical images have great potential in guiding treatment because it provide comprehensive information. The information in the images would observe the change of tumor in the subsequent treatment as well as the patients’ response to treatment and prognosis, etc. Based on this, radiomics are proposed to use large amount of image data to quantitativly analysis tumor phenotype. At present, there have been different kinds of tumor classification and prognosis based on radiomics.To classify different types of tumor, the first step is image segmentation, then with further feature extraction algorithms to obtain useful information from the image. Manual segmentation is time-consuming and tedious, so automatic and reliable tumor image segmentation algorithms are required. The subsequent identification and tumor diagnosis results will be affected by the segmentation directly. At present, there are many algorithms of image segmentation, they are effective only for a specific segmentation problem and need to be improved in reliability and speed to meet practical requirement. Automatic segmentation of tumor is a big challenge for us, because the size, shape and position of the tumor are different. In addition, the tumor and normal tissue are overlapped, edema may accompany as well. The boundary of the tumor image is vague and complex, and there may be cavity inside, these factors make tumor image automatic segmentation very challenging.

Glioma is one of the most common and aggressive malignant tumors, a noninvasive and easy-to-operate biomarkers are required to describe molecular activities and predict treatment response. Targeted treatment produce significant benefits for the patients after classifying the tumor, so medical images are of great help in diagnosis and treatment. For example, the diagnosis of tumor diseases depends on the analysis of contour information of the tumor. Doctors make treatment plan by measurement and analysis of the shape, lesions, borders, area and volume of the tumor. Some scholars have presented to use widespread imaging techniques such as MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) to extract specific acteristics of the tumor for the classification.


The research contents of this thesis is automatic segmentation of glioma based on                                                                                                                                                                                                             CNN and FCN. CNN is one of the artificial neural networks-the convolutional neural network. It was widely used in classification, segmentation, speech recognition and natural language processing. Its structure of shared-weight reduced the number of weights and the complexity of the network. FCN is fully convolutional networks, the images would be directly used as the network input, the network extracts the image feature automatically, it is completely different from the traditional algorithms which contain complex feature extraction and data reconstruction procession. Convolutional neural network obtains the distributed acteristics of data by combining low-level features to form abstract high-level features, the network learns from the input data automatically to obtain the ability of prediction.

With the enlargement of data, the improvement of hardware technology, and the enhancement of GPU computing ability, a good development opportunity is provied for deep learning. There are a lot of deep learning frameworks, such as Caffe(Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding), which is written by Dr Yangqing Jia. Caffe is an effective open source deep learning framework and it supports command line, Python and Matlab interface. Caffe can run with CPU or GPU mode. In this Thesis, CNN and FCN based on Caffe framework is used for automatic segmentation of glioma, reaching the precision of 50.08% and 83.09% respectively. FCN can accomplish the end-to-end classification, the size of the input image is no longer fixed, the size of the output image and input image are the same, the final output is the corresponding label image after classification.

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