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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义基本原理    






















 Research on the Integration of Rural Culture into the Cultivation of Student Values Under the Background of Rural Revitalization    


 乡村振兴 ; 乡土文化 ; 价值观培育    


 Rural revitalization ; Local culture ; Value cultivation    

乡村振兴作为实现全面建成小康社会的主要推动力,在新时代的乡村建设中发挥着重要作用,而乡村文化振兴作为乡村振兴的重要组成部分,是实现乡村振兴的文化基础,也是推进中国特色社会主义文化繁荣的重要理念。乡土文化内涵丰富,对学生的价值观也呈现出巨大的影响力。但是在当前社会经济发展中,乡土文化不被重视;城乡收入差距较大,乡村人口流向城市,乡土文化或走向衰落,或成为带来利益的垫脚石,整体发展趋势不容乐观;同时在多元文化的侵袭下,学生受到来自网络文化和流行文化的影响,价值观取向有失偏颇。因此要充分挖掘乡土文化中的优质成分,为学生营造形式多样、内涵丰富的乡土文化教育氛围,发挥乡土文化对学生价值观培育的正向影响作用。 本研究主要以马克思恩格斯文化思想、中国共产党传统文化思想和习总书记价值观培育等思想为理论基础,梳理当前乡土文化融入学生价值观培育的发展现状,以目前存在的问题为导入,运用马克思主义的相关原理和方法探析我国乡土文化融入学生价值观培养的具体路径。 因此本文首先,从概念入手,对乡土文化进行界定;其次,阐述乡土文化的基本特征,论证了乡土文化融入价值观的多远维度与融入模式;再次,通过对当前我国学校对乡土文化教育的规划、以及相关数据和通过走访调查得到的数据相整合,梳理出出当前乡土文化融入学生价值观培育存在的发展困境,从学校主管人员认识、发展理念、制度模式和教育对象主体性等四个方面出发,阐述乡土文化融入学生价值观存在问题的根源;最后坚持以人为本,运用马克思主义基本方法,从思想、模式、制度、意识方面着手,提出一系列可行性措施,推动乡土文化与学生价值观的融合、助力乡土文化的持续发展、同时推动中国特色社会主义文化的繁荣。
As the main driving force for building a well-off society in an all-round way, rural revitalization plays an important role in rural construction in the new era. Rural cultural revitalization, as an important part of rural revitalization, is the cultural foundation for rural revitalization, and it is also contemporary China’s promotion of China. An important concept for the prosperity of characteristic socialist culture. The vernacular culture is rich in connotation and has a huge influence on the values of students. However, in the current social development, in the process of economic development, rural culture is not valued, and the income gap between urban and rural areas is large, rural population flows to the city, rural culture may decline, or become a stepping stone to bring benefits, the overall development trend It is not optimistic; at the same time, under the invasion of multiculturalism, students are influenced by Internet culture and popular culture, and their value orientation is biased. Therefore, it is necessary to fully excavate the high-quality ingredients in the local culture, create a diverse and rich-connotation local culture education atmosphere for students, and give play to the positive influence of local culture on the cultivation of students' values. This research is based on the theoretical foundation of Marx and Engels' cultural thoughts, the traditional cultural thoughts of the Chinese Communist Party, and the cultivation of values of General Secretary Xi.It sorts out the current development status of the integration of rural culture into the cultivation of students’ values, and uses existing problems as an introduction. Relevant principles and methods of ism explore the specific ways that our country’s rural culture integrates into the cultivation of student values. Therefore, this article firstly starts with the concept and defines the rural culture; secondly, it expounds the basic characteristics of the rural culture, and demonstrates how far the rural culture can be integrated into the students’ values and the mode of integration; thirdly, through the current Chinese schools’ understanding of the rural culture education The planning and related data are integrated with the data obtained through visits and surveys to sort out the current development dilemma of the integration of local culture into the cultivation of student values, from the four aspects of the understanding of school supervisors, development concepts, institutional models, and the subjectivity of education objects. Set out, explain the root of the problem of the integration of rural culture into student values; finally, adhere to the people-oriented approach, use the basic methods of Marxism, start from the aspects of thinking, mode, system, and consciousness, and propose a series of feasible measures to promote the integration of rural culture and student values. Promote the sustainable development of local culture and at the same time promote the prosperity of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics
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