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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义基本原理    






















 A Study of Engels' Doctrine of the State in His Later Years    


 恩格斯晚年 ; 国家学说 ; 历史唯物主义    


 Engels in his later years ; Doctrine of the State ; Historical materialism    




本文从梳理马克思恩格斯早年国家学说出发,以马克思恩格斯早年创建历史唯物主义国家学说的过程及基本内容为对照可以清晰具体地论述恩格斯晚年对国家学说的深化与拓展。恩格斯晚年在总结革命经验的基础上深化了对国家问题的认识,通过与错误国家理论的论战进一步明确阐述了国家观点,并利用原始社会新材料系统论述了国家发展的过程,对他与马克思早年国家学说的基本内容进行了深化与拓展。 在理清恩格斯晚年对国家学说的深化与拓展后便能明确恩格斯晚年国家学说是根据社会新变化对马克思主义国家学说在新的历史条件下的坚守与发展,对马克思主义国家学说的发展做出了重大贡献,进而以历史发展的眼光客观阐述恩格斯晚年国家学说对之后的无产阶级斗争实践活动尤其是社会主义国家建立及建设的历史意义,彰显恩格斯晚年国家学说历史价值。最后立足于当代实际审视恩格斯晚年国家学说中的宝贵思想资源,详细理清恩格斯晚年国家学说的具体内容,有利于正确认识当代资本主义国家发展的本质,对相关争论做出有力回应,从而让恩格斯晚年国家学说在当今世界继续保持生机与活力,更好地指引新时代中国进行社会主义现代化强国建设。


Engels' later doctrine of the state is a key component of the Marxist doctrine of the state, the intellectual content of which is an expansion and enrichment of his and Marx's earlier fundamental views on the state. In his later years, Engels, on the one hand, on the basis of his revolutionary experience and in the light of the new changes in capitalist countries, gained a more concrete understanding of the question of the state and gave a positive account of the positive role of the state as the core superstructure in social services, proposing that the proletariat, in the transitional stage after seizing power, could speed up the pace of social development by "smashing" or abolishing the anti-people functions of the old regime and making full use of the social service functions of the state, and that the conditions for the complete abolition of the state would be available only after entering communist society, further enriching the Marxist doctrine of the state. On the other hand, in his later years Engels, by combining new materials from primitive society and applying the basic principles of the materialist conception of history to examine the development of primitive clan society, comprehensively and systematically demonstrated the complete process of the state from its emergence to its extinction, scientifically outlined the essence and functions of the state, presented the basic ideas of the Marxist doctrine of the state in a clear and complete manner, forcefully criticised the erroneous bourgeois view of the state, firmly adhered to the Marxist doctrine of the state under new historical conditions, and pointed the way for the international workers' movement.


The contemporary capitalist state has changed dramatically compared to the time of Marx and Engels, and with it comes various challenges from Western scholars to Engels' late doctrine of the state, arguing that Engels' late doctrine of the state is a direct transformation of Marx's "assumptions" into "conclusions "This is contrary to Marx's original intention and no longer suits the changes of the contemporary state. Some capitalist scholars have also defended the development of the capitalist state by misinterpreting Engels' late theory of the nature of the state and the theory of the demise of the state by piecing together evidence out of context, arguing that social service is already the main characteristic of the contemporary capitalist state, and that the contemporary capitalist state will die out on its own and then transition to a higher stage, denying the role of the proletariat. In the face of these debates and challenges, a systematic study of Engels' later doctrine of the state is essential.


In this article, we start from sorting out Marx Engels' early doctrine of the state, and we can clearly and concretely discuss the deepening and expansion of Engels' doctrine of the state in his later years by comparing the process and basic contents of the historical materialist doctrine of the state created by Marx Engels in his early years. In his later years, Engels deepened his understanding of the state on the basis of his revolutionary experience, further clarified his view of the state through his polemics against false theories of the state, and systematically discussed the process of state development using new material from primitive societies, deepening and expanding the basic content of his and Marx's earlier doctrine of the state. After clarifying the deepening and expansion of the doctrine of the state in Engels' later years, it will be clear that Engels' doctrine of the state in his later years is the perseverance and development of the Marxist doctrine of the state under new historical conditions according to the new changes in society, making a significant contribution to the development of the Marxist doctrine of the state, and then objectively expounding the historical significance of Engels' doctrine of the state in his later years to the subsequent practical activities of the proletarian struggle, especially the establishment and construction of the socialist state, highlighting the historical value of Engels' doctrine of the state in his later years. Finally, the valuable intellectual resources in Engels' late doctrine of the state are examined in the light of contemporary reality, and the specific content of Engels' late doctrine of the state is clarified in detail, which is conducive to a correct understanding of the nature of contemporary capitalist state development and a powerful response to the relevant debates. In this way, Engels' late doctrine of the state continues to be vibrant and dynamic in today's world, better guiding China in the new era in the construction of a modern and powerful socialist state.

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