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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义中国化研究    






















 Xi Jinping's Important Exposition on the Family Traditions and Research on the Value of the Times    


 习近平 ; 家风重要论述 ; 家风建设 ; 时代价值    


 Xi Jinping ; Important discourses on family traditions ; Family style construction ; Value of the times    









Since ancient times, family customs have always played a very important role in improving the moral quality of the nation through its unique inheritance and infection, and have always shaped and influenced the national culture, national quality and social moral ethos of a country, exerting a deep-rooted influence on a country. Since the 18th Party Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has attached great importance to the inheritance and development of family ethics in today's society, and has repeatedly emphasized the irreplaceable role of family ethics in the development of the country, the nation and society, by pointing out the need to "focus on the family, on family education and on family ethics", and then put forward a series of concepts and main ideas aimed at promoting the development of family ethics in the new era. This has led to Xi Jinping's important discourse on family ethics. By applying the relevant principles and methods of Marxism, we study Xi Jinping's important discourse on family ethics and explore the values of the times that it contains.

First of all, the theoretical and practical bases for the formation of this important thesis are sorted out. The three important theoretical bases for the formation of this important thesis are the Marxist concept of family, the red family ethos of the revolutionary predecessors, and the excellent traditional Chinese family culture; the practical bases for the formation of this important thesis are outlined in terms of the need for the construction of Party style and integrity in the new era and the need to inherit the excellent Chinese family culture.

Second, the main contents of this important discourse are outlined at three levels: family, family education and family style. In terms of the importance of focusing on the family, the importance of the basic position of the family, the importance of the Chinese nation to the family, and the integration of the family dream into the Chinese dream are emphasized; in terms of the importance of focusing on family education, the importance of the educational function of the family, the important role of character education in family education, and the importance of parents' teaching by example are emphasized. By focusing on family and family education, we lay the foundation for focusing on family style. Finally, we put our footing on family style, emphasizing the importance of focusing on family style, that family style is related to the construction of the style of party members and cadres, and that family style is an important part of social morale. By summarizing the main contents and thus summarizing the main features embodied in this important discourse, it reflects the combination of party and people, inheritance and innovation, theory and practice.

Then, the value of the times embedded in this important discourse is summarized from two aspects: theoretical value and practical value. Theoretically, it enriches and develops the Marxist concept of family, innovates and develops the excellent traditional family culture of the Chinese nation, and enriches the connotation of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. In practice, it is conducive to the inheritance and promotion of family virtues, promoting the new development of the cause of strict governance, promoting the cultivation and practice of socialist core values, and promoting the formation of a good social climate.

Finally, we will discuss the thinking on the path of this important discourse to promote the construction of contemporary family ethics. In terms of institutional guarantee, the synergy of rule of law and moral rule should be brought into play, and corresponding commendation and punishment mechanisms should be established; in terms of education and propaganda, the leadership of correct values should be adhered to, the propaganda of family ethics should be increased by using emerging media, and the educational guidance role of schools should be brought into play; in terms of practice and cultivation, the leading role of party members and cadres should be brought into play, the consciousness of family members in practice should be strengthened, and the unique role of women in the family should be brought into play . With this important discourse as the theoretical followings, we will provide scientific theoretical guidance and direction to promote the development of family style construction in the new era.

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