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 工学 - 机械工程 - 机械制造及其自动化    






















 Analysis of asse mbly errors and performance control study of space modular antennas on-orbit assembly    


 空间模块化天线 ; 作动器 ; 在轨装配 ; 装配误差 ; 姿态控制    


 Space modular antennas ; Actuators ; On-orbit assembly ; Assembly errors ; Attitude control    


1. 针对模块化天线在轨装配过程中所产生的装配误差,基于尺蠖运动原理设计了一种用于各模块之间位姿调整的尺蠖式作动器。该作动器的驱动机构采用桥式放大机构,通过对压电陶瓷微小位移的累加实现作动器的大行程位移输出。箝位机构由杠杆式放大机构、弹性体和压电陶瓷组合而成,实现了作动器的断电箝位。综合考虑压电陶瓷的输出非线性和驱动机构的运动特性,建立了作动器的机电耦合模型,分析了压电陶瓷的驱动频率、驱动电压以及柔性铰链的刚度对作动器输出性能的影响。最后,设计了一套由作动器样机和专用驱动控制器组成的实验平台并进行了样机实验,测试结果表明,所设计的尺蠖式作动器最大行程为11mm,最大运行速度0.72mm/s,最大单步位移17μm,其性能指标满足模块化天线装配误差调整需求。
2. 作动器的可靠性受空间环境中的温度和箝位机构中磨损状态的影响,其可靠性的下降会直接影响模块间姿态调整的效果,因此需要研究空间环境中尺蠖式作动器的可靠性建模方法。首先从应用角度分析了作动器的主要失效模式。基于尺蠖作动器的驱动原理,综合考虑空间温度和驱动电压的影响,提出了适用于尺蠖式作动器的磨损模型,设计了实验装置对磨损模型进行验证。其次,提出了作动器工作失效准则,建立作动器可靠性模型。最后,分析了空间温度以及驱动电压对于作动器可靠性的影响。
3. 模块化天线由众多小模块装配而成,模块之间的装配误差不可避免的影响整个天线的型面精度。本文提出了一种考虑天线模块间安装缝隙的模块节点设计方法,实现了模块节点的高精度设计。其次,基于指数积理论建立了模块化天线的装配误差模型,分析不同类型装配误差对天线型面精度的影响,进而提出了可同时考虑旋转和平移两种装配误差的“误差球”模型。通过矩阵分解和最优化技术获得非理想型面与理想型面之间的旋转与位移矩阵,进而得到模块间作动器的位移量,实现天线型面的高精度调整。最后通过数值算例,验证了上述算法的准确性和有效性。
4. 为了提高装配效率与精度,在装配序列规划过程中需要同时综合考虑装配距离以及装配扰动两种因素。本文基于动量矩定理和假设模态法,建立了包含卫星本体、展开臂以及模块化天线在内的系统刚柔耦合动力学模型。其次,结合天线模块的几何特征,计算模块的装配距离。基于能量消耗最小原则,综合考虑装配距离和姿态扰动两种因素的影响,得到模块的最优装配点,进而得到天线的最优装配序列。最后,通过数值算例和软件仿真验证了动力学模型的准确性,分析了装配过程中系统能量的转化,模块化天线的展开臂长度和模块质量对于装配过程的影响。
5. 针对装配过程中导致系统姿态扰动问题,设计了一种基于非线性模型预测控制(NMPC)和深度神经网络(DNN)的姿态控制器。首先建立了模块化天线系统的刚体动力学模型,并采用离散化技术对动力学模型进行离散。其次,基于系统离散动力学模型,建立系统的非线性预测控制模型,并对处于扰动状态下的天线系统进行姿态控制,进而得到一组与时间相关的控制力矩。模型预测控制算法每一步都需要求解一个非线性优化问题,导致计算时间较长,因此将深度神经网络引入姿态控制过程。基于前期的控制力矩数据训练一个深度神经网络控制器,并使用该控制器完成姿态调整。


The deployable space antenna is one of key components in deep space exploration, space communications, manned spaceflight, and other missions. The deployment aperture and surface accuracy of space antenna determine the performance of space communication systems. In order to meet the high-quality communication requirements of future space missions, deployable space antennas need to have large aperture and high surface accuracy. Due to the limitations of the internal space of the launch vehicle, large space antennas cannot be launched into orbit and deployed all at once, the concept of on-orbit assembly of modular antennas comes into being.
During the on-orbit assembly process, assembly errors between modules are inevitably occurred, which leads to decrease in the surface accuracy, affecting the electrical performance of the modular antenna. Therefore, it is necessary to install actuators between modules to adjust the position of the modules. In summary, modular antenna on-orbit assembly is an effective way to achieve a large aperture deployable space antenna, and attitude adjustment actuators between modules are the important components to achieve high surface accuracy of modular antennas.
The modular antenna on-orbit assembly is taken as research object. This thesis systematically studies the design and reliability analysis of inchworm actuators, modular antenna assembly errors, assembly sequence planning, and system attitude control for on-orbit assembly of modular antennas. The main contents of this thesis are summarized as follows:
1. Aiming at the assembly error of modular antenna on-orbit assembly, an inchworm-type actuator is designed for posture adjustment between modules of the modular antenna based on the inchworm motion principle. The driving mechanism of the actuator adopts a bridge-type amplification mechanism, and the large-stroke displacement output of the actuator is achieved by accumulating the small displacement of the piezoelectric ceramic. The clamping mechanism is composed of a lever-type amplification mechanism, an elastic body, and a piezoelectric ceramic, which realizes the power-off clamping of the actuator. Considering the output nonlinearity of the piezoelectric ceramic and the motion characteristics of the driving mechanism, the electromechanical coupling model of the inchworm-type actuator is established, and the influence of the driving frequency, driving voltage, and stiffness of the flexible hinge on the output performance of the actuator are analyzed. Finally, the performance testing system consisting of an actuator prototype and a dedicated driver is designed, and the performance of the prototype is tested. Test results show that the maximum displacement of 11mm, a maximum operating speed of 0.72mm/s, and a maximum single-step displacement of 17μm.
2. The reliability of the actuator is affected by the temperature in the space environment and the wear state in clamping mechanism. The decrease of actuator reliability will directly affect the effect of attitude adjustment modules. A reliability analysis method for actuators need to be studied. Firstly, the main failure modes of the inchworm actuator are analyzed from the application perspective. Based on the driving principle of the inchworm actuator and considering the influence of space temperature and driving voltage, a wear model suitable for the inchworm actuator is proposed, and an experimental device is designed to verify the wear model. Secondly, the actuator working failure criteria are proposed, the actuator reliability model is established. Finally, the influence of space temperature and driving voltage on the reliability of the actuator is analyzed.
3. Modular antennas are assembled from many small modules, and their assembly errors inevitably affect the surface accuracy of the entire antenna. Firstly, a module node design method that considers the installation gaps between antenna modules is proposed, which realizes the high-precision design of module nodes. Secondly, based on the theory of exponential products, an assembly error model of modular antennas is established to analyze the influence of different types of assembly errors on the surface accuracy of the antenna. Consequently, an error ball model that considers both rotational and translational assembly errors is proposed. By matrix decomposition and optimization techniques, the rotation and displacement matrices between non-ideal and ideal surfaces are obtained, and the displacement of the actuator is obtained to achieve high-precision adjustment of the antenna surface. Finally, numerical examples are used to verify the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
4. In order to improve assembly efficiency and reduce energy consumption, assembly sequence planning need to consider the attitude disturbance and assembly distance. Firstly, based on the principle of momentum moment and the assumed mode method, a system rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model is established, which includes the satellite body, deployable arms, and modular antennas. Secondly, combined with the geometric characteristics of modular antennas, the assembly distance of the modules is calculated. Based on the principle of minimum energy consumption, the optimal assembly point of the module is obtained with considering the influence of assembly distance and attitude disturbance. And then the optimal assembly sequence of the antenna is obtained. Finally, numerical examples and software simulations are used to verify the accuracy of the dynamic model. The energy conversion during the assembly process is analyzed, the effects of the length of deployable arm and mass of modular antennas on the assembly process is studied.
5. Aiming at attitude disturbance caused by assembly process, an attitude control method is proposed based on based on nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and deep neural networks (DNN) for modular antenna systems. Firstly, the rigid body dynamic model of the modular antenna system is established, and the dynamic model is discretized using discretization techniques. Secondly, based on the discretized dynamic model of the system, the predictive control model of the system is established. Based on this control model, the attitude control of the antenna system under disturbance is carried out, and a set of time-dependent control torques are obtained. Since the model predictive control algorithm needs to solve a nonlinear optimization problem at each step, the calculation time is relatively long. Therefore, this thesis introduces deep neural networks into the attitude control process, and trains a deep neural network controller based on the control torque data in the early stage. This controller is used to complete the entire attitude adjustment process. Finally, numerical examples are used to verify the effectiveness of the deep neural network attitude controller.

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