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 管理学 - 图书情报* - 图书情报    






















 Research on Scientific and Technological Literature Recommendation Method Based on Knowledge Graph Structure Information and Text Semantic Information    


 科技文献推荐 ; 知识图谱 ; 图嵌入 ; 高阶结构信息 ; 语义信息提取    


 Scientific and Technical Literature Recommendation ; Knowledge Graph ; Graph Embedding ; High-order Structural Information ; Semantic Information Extraction    






As scientific research work continues to advance, the corresponding quantity of scientific and technological literature resources has shown an exponential growth trend. While these massive literature resources provide strong support for research activities, they also present researchers with the challenge of information overload. Searching and obtaining relevant literature resources that meet their needs require a significant amount of time and effort. Technological literature recommendation is an effective method to address the problem of literature overload. However, unlike traditional recommendation objects such as movies or products, technological literature recommendation involves diverse recommendation purposes, abundant data sources, and specific target users. Therefore, it is worth studying how to accurately recommend literature resources that meet the needs of researchers. Traditional technological literature recommendation methods are mostly based on collaborative filtering or content-based models, often suffering from issues such as data sparsity, lack of explanatory recommendation results, and insufficient information mining. In response to this situation, this study proposes a method for precise technological literature recommendation by utilizing high-order structural information from knowledge graphs and deep semantic information from the literature. The main research work includes:


Firstly, to address the limitations of traditional collaborative filtering methods such as single recommendation criteria and insufficient mining of structural information, a technological literature recommendation model based on high-order structural information from knowledge graphs is proposed. This model integrates the diffusion wave model that spreads from the inside out and the knowledge graph convolutional network model that aggregates information from the outside in. It considers the importance of literature-related attributes as perceived by users and aggregates multi-hop neighbor information from the graph structure to generate a structural representation of technological literature that includes user preference features and literature features for recommendation. Secondly, considering the limitations of current content-based recommendation methods in deep semantic content extraction and suboptimal recommendation performance, this study applies the SBERT-PR semantic extraction model to extract deep semantic information from technological literature texts. The model utilizes the basic BERT model to extract deep semantic information embedded in the titles, keywords, and abstracts of technological literature. By leveraging siamese network training parameters, it improves the deficiency of traditional BERT models in representing sentence-level text semantics. Ultimately, a semantic representation of technological literature is generated, which includes deep semantic information for recommendation. Finally, in the process of technological literature recommendation, this study combines high-order structural information with deep semantic information and proposes a fusion approach that integrates structural and semantic representations for technological literature recommendation. By calculating the similarity between benchmark literature and target literature based on their comprehensive representations, the recommendation of technological literature is achieved.


The proposed method is validated on real literature datasets, DBLP and WOS. Experimental results demonstrate that the recommended effectiveness of the proposed method is significantly better than existing traditional methods. Furthermore, ablation experiments confirm that the technological literature recommendation method, which comprehensively considers both structural and semantic information, outperforms recommendation methods based on a single information source. This study provides methodological support and reference for accurately recommending technological literature to researchers.

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