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 理学 - 物理学 - 无线电物理    






















 Antenna cylindrical near-field measurement technology in frequency domain and probe design    


 柱面近场测量 ; 探头修正 ; 模式滤波 ; 超宽带Vivaldi ; 近场探头    


 Cylindrical near-field measurement ; probe compensate ; C-MARS technique ; ultra-wideband vivaldi antenna ; near-field probe    







Near-field measurement technology is one of the important methods for modern antenna testing. Among them, cylindrical measurement technology is widely used to test medium gain antennas with wide beams, which is a good choice between planar measurement and spherical measurement. This paper focuses on the cylindrical near-far field transformation technology and probe correction algorithm, and also discusses the mode filtering technology (C-MARS) to suppress the effects of multipath effects in the measurement process. In order to solve the problem that the commonly used rectangular open waveguide antenna has insufficient bandwidth and large size, an ultra-wideband Vivaldi probe is designed.


The principle of cylindrical near-field measurement is described in detail. The expansion of cylindrical wave is obtained by solving the Helmholtz equation based on the Maxwell equation system. The far field of the measured antenna can be represented as the overlap of two sets of orthogonal vector wave functions at a certain point. The overlap coefficient is called the mode factor, which is the basic idea of the mode expansion method for cylindrical near-far field transformation. Next, the mathematical expressions of the near-field amplitude and phase data calculation mode coefficients of the measured antenna sampled from the cylindrical surface are deduced in detail. In order to reduce the amount of calculation for solving infinite field by overlay, this paper makes a limit operation for the mode expansion formula at infinite distance, and gives the formula for calculating the field value at any point in the far field. Probe correction for introducing cylindrical near-far field transformation. From the transmission matrix between the measured antenna and the probe, the mathematical relationship between the mode expansion factor and the near-field data and the far-field characteristics of the probe is deduced, and the formula for calculating the mode factor considering the correction of the probe is given. Because the far-field characteristics of the probe itself need to be obtained for the probe correction, the theoretical calculation and Simulation of the rectangular open waveguide pattern are made respectively, and then the far-field results are compared to verify the reliability of the probe far-field used for the probe correction calculation. Finally, this paper conducts cylindrical near-field measurements in a microwave anechoic chamber, and calculates the far-field pattern of the measured antenna before and after introducing the probe compensation. The results show that the probe correction algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of near-far field extrapolation.


In order to solve the multipath effect caused by the near-field measurement environment, the principle of the mode factor filter method is discussed in detail, which eliminates the interference of the reflected source clutter on the near-field extrapolation results. At the same time, the sampling principle of the mode filter is discussed, and the effect of the filter technology is verified through experiments. The filtered far-field pattern is basically the same as the far-field pattern without a reflector.


Rectangular open waveguide antennas are commonly used as receiving probes in near-field measurements. In order to meet the transmission conditions of rectangular waveguides, rectangular open waveguides operating at slightly lower frequencies are usually designed to be larger in size, and coaxial waveguide converters must be equipped to fit the interface of the system, which greatly increases the overall size and weight of the probe and makes it difficult to deploy. A 3-8GHz ultra-wideband Vivaldi antenna is designed and simulated as a probe. The antenna uses a microstrip slot-line feeding method, and expands its operating bandwidth by adding circular cavity and sector branch at the end of the slot and microstrip line respectively. The simulation results show that the gain is between 8-14dB in the 3-8GHz band, S11 is always less than -10dB, and -3dB beam width is greater than 30 degrees, which meets the requirements of near-field measurement.








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