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 经济学 - 金融*    
























 Research on the Impact of Digital Inclusive Finance on the Revitalization of Rural Industries    


 数字普惠金融 ; 乡村产业振兴 ; FEM 模型 ; 门槛回归模型    


 Digital inclusive finance ; Rural industry revitalization ; FEM model ; Threshold regression model    






Industrial revitalization is the material foundation of rural revitalization, and rural industrial revitalization aims to form a high-quality, efficient, green, and safe rural industrial system, providing solid industrial support for sustained income growth of farmers. Finance, as the lifeblood of the real economy, should have played an important role in the development of rural industries. However, traditional finance has many shortcomings that make it difficult to meet the financial service needs of rural industrial development. As a new model and format formed by the integration of traditional finance, new generation information and communication technology, and internet technology, digital inclusive finance has brought a turning point for solving rural financial problems with its technological advantages, and provided convenient and diversified financial services for the revitalization of rural industries. In this context, in-depth research on the impact of digital inclusive finance on the revitalization of rural industries in China is of great significance for the industrial revitalization of rural areas and the empowerment of rural industries by digital inclusive finance.

This article is based on the theories of digital inclusive finance, rural industry revitalization, and previous research results. Firstly, it explains the mechanism of the impact of digital inclusive finance on rural industry revitalization. Then, construct an evaluation index system for rural industrial revitalization from three dimensions: deepening industrial integration, optimizing industrial structure, and promoting green industrial development; Use entropy method to measure the level of rural industrial revitalization, and conduct regional analysis on the development level of rural industrial revitalization and digital inclusive finance. Secondly, using data from 30 provinces (cities) in China from 2011 to 2020 as samples, the individual time fixed effects model (FEM) is used to empirically analyze the impact of digital inclusive finance on rural industrial revitalization. Once again, the urban-rural gap covers the different levels of development between urban and rural areas, including differences in economic, educational, cultural, and other aspects. Therefore, the urban-rural gap is used as a threshold variable for threshold regression to explore the nonlinear characteristics of the impact of digital inclusive finance on rural industrial revitalization. This article further analyzes the regional heterogeneity of related impact effects by dividing the samples into four regions: eastern, central, western, and northeastern regions. Finally, based on the empirical results and existing problems, targeted policy recommendations are proposed.

The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) In the research on the impact of digital financial inclusion on rural industry revitalization and its sub dimensions, it is found that digital financial inclusion has a significant positive promotion effect on rural industry revitalization and its sub dimensions of rural industry integration, rural industrial structure optimization, and rural industry green development. (2) The impact of digital financial inclusion on the rural industry revitalization and industrial green development sub dimensions has a significant double threshold effect under the urban-rural gap. Under different threshold ranges, the positive effect of digital financial inclusion on the rural industry revitalization and industrial green development sub dimensions is different, showing a downward trend. When the urban-rural gap is reduced to different threshold values, the promotion effect will significantly jump and increase. (3) Further analysis from the regional level shows that digital financial inclusion has a significant differential positive promotion effect on rural industry revitalization in eastern, central and western regions. From the perspective of the sub dimensions of rural industry revitalization, digital financial inclusion has a significant positive effect on the deepening of industrial integration and optimization of industrial structure in the eastern and central regions, and it has a significant positive effect on the green development of industries in the eastern and western regions.

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