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 管理学 - 图书情报* - 图书情报    






















 Research on Identification Methods of Emerging General-purpose Technologies Based on Multi-source Data Fusion    


 新兴共性技术 ; 多源数据融合 ; 共性技术识别 ; 图卷积神经网络    


 Emerging General-Purpose Technologies ; Multi-source Data Fusion ; General-Purpose Technology Identification ; Graph Convolutional Network    






In the current international context, which emphasizes technology protection, it is crucial for the country to reduce technological dependence in critical industrial sectors and enhance the overall level of industrial technological development. Emerging generic technologies are key generic technologies that have received widespread attention and are still in the early stages of development. They are also the foundation and source for the development of other innovative technologies, and have great potential for the development and transformation of future industrial technologies. Identifying emerging general-purpose technologies serves as the initial step in nurturing the industrial chain of general-purpose technologies. In the face of limited technological resources, identifying emerging general-purpose technologies provides an advantage in industrial technology research, addressing key challenges and facilitating technology transfer, thereby enabling a leading role in shaping the narrative of industrial development. Existing research in this field has primarily relied on qualitative perspectives and expert opinions for technology identification. However, a limited number of quantitative studies have solely utilized a single data source, such as patents or academic papers, to assess the characteristics of emerging general-purpose technologies. However, relying solely on a single data source limits the observation perspective and makes it challenging to depict the comprehensive landscape of technological development in the field. This limitation renders quantitative analysis inadequate, potentially introducing data biases into the identification models. Therefore, faced with the vast amount of available information resources, it becomes an important research topic to adopt a multi-source data fusion approach, use scientific methods to explore the characteristics and development trends of emerging general-purpose technologies, and study the identification methods applicable to different fields.


Based on the review and summary of domestic and foreign research results and the exploration of the connotation and features of emerging general-purpose technologies, this thesis studies the identification method of emerging general-purpose technologies based on multi-source data fusion. The main research work of this thesis is as follows: 1) To incorporate diverse observation perspectives, we choose papers, patents, funding information, and publicly available online data as sources. Subsequently, we construct a heterogeneous complex network that encompasses technical terms, researchers, organizations, and technical fields. Our approach facilitates a comprehensive fusion of multi-source data, considering both semantic and co-occurrence aspects. 2) By summarizing prior research, we elucidate the concepts and defining attributes of emerging general-purpose technologies. Moreover, we develop a feature index system for these technologies, which enables the provision of scientific and objective criteria for their identification. 3) Leveraging the fused multi-source data, we employ the interpretable and efficient Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network (ie-HGCN) algorithm to construct an identification model for emerging general-purpose technologies. In comparison to traditional methods relying on feature indicators or social network analysis, this model demonstrates enhanced capacity in handling high-dimensional, nonlinear heterogeneous complex networks. Consequently, it facilitates a more comprehensive comprehension of the abstract characteristics of emerging general-purpose technologies, thereby improving the accuracy of identification results. 4) By conducting empirical research in the "third-generation semiconductor" technology field, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in finely identifying emerging general-purpose technologies within the domain. Moreover, the identification results exhibit a high level of interpretability.


This thesis significantly contributes to fully harnessing vast information resources and effectively identifying emerging general-purpose technologies from a more objective standpoint. Additionally, the proposed method presented in this thesis exhibits broad applicability across various industry sectors, facilitating large-scale identification of emerging general-purpose technologies within a short timeframe. These contributions substantiate the academic and practical value of the study.

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