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 军事学 - 军队指挥学 - 密码学    






















 Analysis and Design of LWE-Based Cryptographic Schemes over Lattices    


 格公钥密码 ; 带差错学习 ; 属性基加密 ; ; 不经意传输 ; 密钥封装机制    


 Lattice-based cryptography ; Learning with errors ; Attribute-based encryption ; Oblivious transfer ; Key encapsulation mechanism    


       量子计算机的快速发展对密码技术的研究提出新挑战,为应对量子计算技术对当前公钥密码体制的致命威胁,研究后量子安全的密码方案势在必行。格公钥密码作为后量子密码的典型代表,具有运算简单、易于并行、渐近复杂度低等优势。格上带差错学习(Learning with Errors,LWE)问题不但可以用来设计公钥加密、数字签名等基础密码原语,还可以构造属性基加密(Attribute Based Encryption,ABE)及全同态加密等高级密码算法。

       基于LWE问题的密码方案几乎能够实现各种安全功能需求,但现有基于LWE问题的ABE方案的安全性仍需进一步分析。此外,为满足应用场景的新需求,本文也将设计后量子安全的不经意传输(Oblivious Transfer,OT)协议及密钥封装机制(Key Encapsulation Mechanism,KEM)作为研究目标,已完成的主要工作如下:

      1. 针对首个基于LWE问题的支持算术电路的BGG+14 AB方案的安全性问题,进行了三方面的分析。首先,BGG+14 ABE方案存在弱属性问题,每个弱属性伴随对应的“解密密钥”,当密文以该弱属性为标签时,使用对应的“解密密钥”能够恢复明文的一个比特;其次,为了减小BGG+14 ABE方案中的密钥尺寸,本文采用不同的“自然简化”预抽样矩阵,得到方案的三个简化变体,分析得到这三种简化变体在共谋攻击下是不安全的;最后,分析了该方案中模数不能为合数的原因,如果模数有一个小因数,则没有解密权限的解密者可以成功得到明文。

      2. 针对基于传统数论困难假设的OT协议不具有抗量子计算攻击的问题,利用经典的双模式加密系统,基于LWE问题和不可区分混淆,提出在通用可组合(Universal Composability,UC)安全模型下的OT协议。将双模式加密系统中的两个模式分别进行混淆,保持功能不变且达到不可区分性,证明两个模式被混淆后的方案仍然具有双模式加密系统的性质,从而在此基础上推导出的OT协议是UC安全的。与Yuan等人提出的OT协议相比,由于本文设计的OT协议基于LWE问题,从而提高了后量子安全性。

      3. 针对Quach提出的基于LWE问题的双模式加密系统只能处理1比特明文,导致由此推导出的OT协议需要重复使用多次才能实现多比特输出的问题,采用基于LWE问题的Jiang式密钥协调机制作为关键技术,将单比特对称加密密钥扩展至多比特,构造了基于LWE问题的多比特输出双模式加密系统,进而得到多比特输出的OT协议。通过综合性能比对分析,该基于LWE问题的多比特输出OT协议能够达到UC安全性且相对高效。

      4. 针对多用户场景下后量子安全KEM的设计需求,构造了基于LWE问题的KEM方案。首先,基于格上首个密钥交换协议,构造一个选择明文攻击下具有不可区分性的公钥加密方案;其次,利用显式拒绝的FO(Fujisaki-Okamoto)通用变换的变体,设计了多用户场景下基于LWE问题的KEM方案;最后,证明该KEM方案在选择密文攻击下具有不可区分安全性。


The development of quantum computers poses significant new challenges for the research of cryptography. In response to the mortal threat of quantum computing technology to public key cryptographic systems, it is imperative to research cryptographic schemes that are resistant to quantum computing attacks. Lattice-based public key cryptography is a typical representative of post-quantum cryptography, with advantages such as simple and parallel operations, low asymptotic complexity. The learning with errors (LWE) problem on lattices can not only be used to design basic cryptographic primitives such as public key encryption and digital signature, but also can be used to construct advanced cryptographic algorithms such as attribute-based encryption (ABE) and fully homomorphic encryption.

Although cryptographic schemes based on the LWE problem can achieve various security requirements, the security and implementation efficiency of existing ABE schemes still need to be further analyzed. In addition, to meet the new requirements of application scenarios, the thesis also aims at designing post-quantum secure oblivious transfer (OT) protocols and key encapsulation mechanisms (KEM). The main research works are as follows:

1. Regarding the BGG+14 ABE scheme, the first ABE scheme supporting arithmetic circuit based on the LWE problem, we conduct security analysis from three aspects. Firstly, the BGG+14 ABE scheme has the problem of weak attributes. An associated “decryption key” is accompanied by a weak attribute, and whenever a ciphertext is labeled with this weak attribute, the corresponding “decryption key” can recover one bit of the plaintext. Secondly, to reduce the key size of the BGG+14 ABE scheme, three different “naturally simplified” pre-sampling matrices are proposed to obtain three simplified variants, and the security of these three simplified variants under a collusion attack is analyzed. Finally, the main reason why the modulus in the scheme cannot be composite is analyzed. If the modulus has a small factor, an adversary without decryption permission can successfully obtain the plaintext.

2. To address the issue that OT protocols based on classical number-theoretic assumptions are not resistant to quantum computing attacks, an OT protocol based on LWE and indistinguishability obfuscation is proposed under the Universal Composability (UC) security model using a classical dual-mode encryption system. The two modes in the dual-mode encryption system are separately obfuscated while maintaining the same functionality and achieving indistinguishability. We prove that the scheme obtained by obfuscating the two modes still has the properties of a dual-mode encryption system, and the OT protocol derived from it is UC secure. Compared with the OT protocol proposed by Yuan et al., our protocol has a higher post-quantum security, since our design builds upon the LWE problem.

 3. The double-mode encryption system based on the LWE problem proposed by Quach can only handle plaintexts of one bit, resulting in the problem that the derived OT protocol needs to be repeated multiple times to achieve multi-bit output. To solve this problem, the Jiang-style key coordination mechanism based on the LWE problem is used as the key technology to extend the single-bit symmetric encryption key to multiple bits, and a multi-bit output double-mode encryption system based on the LWE problem is constructed and an OT protocol with multi-bit output is obtained. Through comprehensive performance comparison analysis, the multi-bit output OT protocol based on the LWE problem can achieve UC security and relatively high efficiency.

 4. Aiming at the design requirement of post-quantum secure KEMs in multi-user scenarios, a KEM scheme based on the LWE problem is constructed. Firstly, a public key encryption scheme with indistinguishability under chosen plaintext attack is constructed based on the first key exchange protocol on lattices. Secondly, using a variant of the Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) universal transform with explicit rejection, a KEM based on the LWE problem is designed in the multi-user scenario. Finally, it is proved that the proposed KEM scheme achieves indistinguishability under chosen ciphertext attack.

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