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 翻译模因论指导下科技论文英汉翻译实践报告——以Respiratory Rate Estimation Using U-Net-Based Cascaded Framework From ECG and SCG Signals的汉译为例    












 文学 - 翻译 - 英语笔译    






















 Practice Report on E-C Translation of EST Texts Under the Guidance of Translation Memetics ——Translation of Respiratory Rate Estimation Using U-Net-Based Cascaded Framework From ECG and SCG Signals as an Example    


 医疗科技 ; 呼吸监测 ; 翻译模因论 ; 翻译策略模因    


 Medical Science and Technology ; Respiratory Rate Estimation ; Translation Memetics ; Meme of Translation Strategy    




本报告所选翻译材料为Respiratory Rate Estimation Using U-Net-Based Cascaded Frame-work From Electrocardiogram and Seismocardiogram Signals,选自IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS,发表于2022年6月,属于医疗科技领域文本。本报告以模因论的翻译规范及翻译策略为基础,结合科技文本的主要特点,在句法/语法层面、语义层面及语用层面,对词汇、短语、句子及段落的翻译进行举例分析,解决科技文本汉译问题。同时,译者希望,本报告能反映出模因论对科技文本翻译的指导意义,并在一定程度上对翻译模因论相关研究做出贡献。


With the continuous advancement of globalization, and improvement of medical treatment, the exchange of scientific research achievements is increasingly frequent, and the role and value of EST translation have also been improved. However, due to the large number of professional terms and complex sentence structures in EST texts, translators should adopt different translation strategies based on theories to obtain accurate and readable translations.


Memetics is a new theory that explains the laws of cultural evolution based on Darwin’s theory of evolution. Chesterman introduced memetics into the field of translation for the first time in his book Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory. The theory of Translation Memetics holds that translation is the process of meme transmission. As a meme complex, the source text carries the thoughts, ideas and cultural background of the author. The translator is the host of meme infection and needs to select the best meme in the process of translation to improve the quality of translation.


The report selected Respiratory Rate Estimation Using U-Net-Based Cascaded Framework From Electrocardiogram and Seismocardiogram Signals as translation material from the IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATION, which is published in JUNE 2022 and in the field of medical science and technology. The report is based on the translation norms and translation strategies of Translation Memetics, and combined with the major features of the kind of texts. The translator adopts syntactic/grammatical; semantic and pragmatic strategies to analyze vocabulary, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs with examples to solve the problem of translating scientific texts into Chinese. The translator hopes that the report can reflect the guidance of Translation Memetics for EST texts and to some extent, contribute to the research related to Translation Memetics.

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