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 An Analysis of Dreams in Harry Potter Book Series from the Perspective of Freudian Psychoanalysis    


 哈利·波特 ; 弗洛伊德 ; 精神分析 ; 梦的解析 ;     


 Harry Potter ; Freud ; psychoanalysis ; The Interpretation of Dreams ; dreams    


      英国著名女作家J·K·罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列小说继承了英国传统文化、幻想小说和儿童文学三重传统基础,是一部将传统与现代、现实与幻想融为一体的魔幻文学作品。哈利·波特这个鲜活的人物形象深深吸引了世界各国的儿童和成年读者,自第一部发行至今,20 余年来受到读者的广泛喜爱,在网络时代掀起了阅读热潮,形成了一种新的文学现象。


The famous Harry Potter book series, written by British female writer J. K. Rowling, inherits the three bases of traditional culture, fantasy fiction and children’s literature of British literature. It is a magical literary book series with a blend of tradition and modernity, and reality and fantasy. The hero Harry Potter has deeply attracted children and adult readers from all over the world. Since its first release, it has been widely loved by readers for more than 20 years. It has created an upsurge of reading in the Internet era and has formed a new literary phenomenon.

At present, most of the related researches at home and abroad discuss the book series or the texts from the perspective of translation or culture. Few studies analyze the dream in the series from the perspective of psychoanalysis. Therefore, this study aims to explore the practical problem in literary creation from the perspective of psychoanalysis theory----the creation of dreams, in order to explore and reveal how the author deepens the subject of the book series and conceives the plots of the book series through the creation of dreams.
Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams is written on the basis of his psychoanalysis theory, providing not only a theoretical framework for this thesis, but also guidance for the actual
analyses of dreams in Harry Potter book series. Based on the theories, this thesis counts the frequency of different dreams according to the development of the plots in the stories, analyzes various elements in the dreams according to their contents and plots, and divides them into three categories based on their symbolic meanings: recall of past memories,
fulfillment of desires and distortion in dreams. It is hoped that the systematic analysis of the dream elements in Harry Potter book series will provide new ideas for reading and appreciating the book series, and will also provide a useful reference for the study of dreams in Western novels.

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