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 管理学 - 工商管理学    
























 Green Town Jinghe New Town real estate project marketing strategy research    


 LC地产泾河新城住宅项目 ; 营销策略 ; 4P理论 ; STP理论 ; SWOT分析    


 LC Real Estate Jinghe New Town residential project ; Marketing Strategy ; 4P theory ; STP theory ; SWOT analysis    





The rapid growth of domestic economy makes the real estate industry become the core of domestic economic development and social development, and has a far-reaching impact on social economic construction and economic development. At present, the continuous regulation of land, finance and other fields, at the same time, the rise of land prices and the intensification of competition, produce great pressure on real estate enterprises. However, changes in market control policies mean that the economy is changing and developers are trying to find new marketing strategies. There are a lot of real problems caused by the cold market and this regulation policy, and many developers don't know how to deal with this situation and develop appropriate marketing strategies, so we have to face the current situation as soon as possible and deal with it accordingly. Through the example of LC real estate Jinghe New Town residential project, this paper studies the practical value of real estate marketing strategy, and analyzes LC real estate Jinghe New Town residential project in detail, so as to provide corresponding marketing strategies and suggestions for the development and sales of LC Real Estate Jinghe New Town residential project and its second phase.


This paper mainly uses literature research method, field investigation method and case study method to analyze LC real estate Jinghe New City residential project, focusing on the relevant theoretical research, LC real estate Jinghe New City residential project marketing strategy status and problems analysis and other perspectives to interpret. Secondly, by using the 4P theory to study the product, pricing, channel and promotion strategies of LC Real Estate Jinghe New Town residential project, the main problems of the project are the single apartment type (only two apartment types of 128㎡/138㎡) and the lack of scientific pricing (the average price of surrounding projects is 10,000-11,000 yuan /㎡. LC Real Estate Jinghe New City residential project average sales price is 14,900-18,400 yuan /㎡), single sales channel (only a small part of advertising, do not provide the corresponding advertising channel and channel access and other problems), single promotion way (only basic concessions, and the gap between other projects), and in-depth study of the causes of the problems; In addition, SWOT marketing environment analysis is carried out for case projects from macro and micro perspectives to provide the corresponding direction for the following marketing strategy design. And through STP theory, it forms corresponding market segmentation for the actual development and demand of LC real estate Jinghe New Town residential project, confirms the current target market of LC real estate Jinghe New Town residential project, and makes market positioning, forming LC real estate Jinghe New Town residential project marketing strategy and other related strategies. Finally, based on the status quo, existing problems and sales environment of LC Real estate Jinghe New Town residential project, reasonable opinions are provided for the follow-up development and the development and sales of the second phase of LC Real estate Jinghe New Town residential project. The conclusion is that in the follow-up development, LC Real Estate Jinghe New Town residential project needs to use relevant marketing strategies, positioning products, based on the corresponding buyers. According to the characteristics of the product, a clear and scientific pricing system, the selection of appropriate marketing methods, combined with effective promotion methods, the use of high professional quality sales team and other ways to create a good corporate culture environment, pay attention to the implementation of financial cost support and other protective measures. With the improvement and optimization of marketing strategy, it will provide some reference for the revision and revision of marketing strategy of LC Real Estate Jinghe New Town residential project and Phase II project.

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