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 管理学 - 工商管理* - 工商管理    
























 Research on marketing strategy of private equity fund of SJ Investment Management Company    


 金融产品 ; 私募基金 ; 营销策略 ; 7P营销理论    


 financial products ; private equity fund ; marketing strategy ; 7p marketing theory    





Since the establishment of the China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors and regulate the development of the industry, the regulatory authorities have issued a number of normative policies, bringing the private equity fund industry into quasi-supervision. The number of private equity fund managers registered has also increased rapidly, and their private equity fund management scale and project development have also been greatly improved. For the industry, the front-end customer development ability determines the company's development speed, directly affects the daily management fee income, and is a main source of cash flow for investment management companies. The company's maintenance operation is based on this condition. With China's economy entering a new normal, the rapid development of the industry in recent years has also brought fierce competition in the private equity fund industry. How to win a place in the fierce market competition of private equity funds has become an important issue facing investment management companies.


The research object of this article is SJ Investment Management Company, a small and medium-sized investment management company in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, which is registered with the Association as a fund manager qualification. After studying the private equity fund products and marketing strategies of the company, it is found that there are some areas that need to be optimized in its current private equity fund marketing strategies. First, the research and development products are outdated and lacking in attractiveness. Second, the price selection is relatively traditional and has not kept up with the times. Third, the sales channels are basically point-to-point expansion by internal employees and investors. Fourth, there is no attractive promotional method to attract consumers. Fifth, there is insufficient reserves of marketing personnel. Sixth, there is no institutionalized and fine service process. Seventh, there is no attention to visible hardware conditions. Through my work experience and data analysis with colleagues at work and combined with the development of the industry at large, this article uses mature marketing strategy theories such as PEST model, 7P theory and SWOT matrix model to analyze the problems that have emerged in the fundraising process of SJ Investment Management Company in recent years. At the same time, combined with the external macro environment and market analysis of the company, this article provides some optimization suggestions for seven aspects such as fund product design, transaction fees, marketing services, and fundraising channels of the company's current funds. Enable it to formulate effective and differentiated marketing experiences, promote institutions and individuals in accordance with regulations and obtain investors' trust. Finally, this article focuses on how to appropriately improve management level, enhance employee skills training and motivation, and establish effective performance appraisal system from three aspects to ensure that marketing strategies can be implemented as planned. In the process of researching this article, I have referred to a large number of literature materials and applied relevant data to provide valuable theoretical guidance for companies' private equity fund marketing strategy selection.

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