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 The Research on the Harmony Thought of Confucian Musical Aesthetic in the Pre-Qin Period    


 “和” ; 先秦儒家 ; 音乐美学    


 “harmony” ; pre-Qin Confucianism ; musical aesthetics    








The pre-Qin Confucianism endowed "harmony" with multi-dimensional theoretical connotations such as art, ethics, heaven and man, and took "harmony" as the core of its musical aesthetic thoughts. Pre-Qin Confucianism believed that music existed in a state of "harmony", depicting an artistic image associated with human aesthetic activities, capable of arousing human aesthetic interest, full of life care, and able to permeate national and social governance and other forms of consciousness such as heaven, earth, and man. Based on the clue of "harmony" and tracing back to the thought of "harmony" in the pre-Qin period, this article sorts out and analyzes the specific connotation of the category of "harmony" in the pre-Qin Confucian music aesthetics, and discusses it from three main dimensions: the aesthetic concept of music, its aesthetic function, and the thought of harmony in heavenly music.


The second chapter explains the origin of the thought of "harmony" in the pre-Qin period. Combining the research results of ancient and modern scholars on the origin of the word, this paper discusses the "He" in the pre-Qin characters from multiple perspectives, thereby excavating the original and extended meanings of the word "He". On this basis, a historical and logical analysis of the "harmony" thought of music before Confucius is conducted.


The third chapter discusses the musical aesthetic concept of "harmony" as the beauty of pre-Qin Confucianism. Pre-Qin Confucianism believed that music originated from the harmonious interaction between the human heart and external objects, and maintaining a harmonious state between the human heart and music was the prerequisite for aesthetic activities to be carried out. "Harmony" is the source of musical beauty, which is mainly manifested in three aspects: the harmonious creative structure and performance techniques of music, the harmonious and unified relationship between music content and form, and the mediocrity and externalization of musical emotions.


The fourth chapter analyzes the ideal pursuit of "harmony" in pre-Qin Confucian music, which is mainly manifested in two aspects: "harmony to people" and "harmony to politics". The primary purpose of pre-Qin Confucian music education is to "bring harmony to people", which is mainly manifested in the improvement of human cognition and moral literacy and the control of sexual desire. Promoting everyone to develop a peaceful temperament through music will ultimately lead to group harmony, social and national peace and stability.


The fifth chapter attempts to elucidate the harmonious thought of heaven and music in pre-Qin Confucianism. During the Warring States Period, Confucian cosmology was greatly developed, and Confucianism believed that the universe had a harmonious nature that was inexhaustible, which made everything unfold in harmony and order under the care of the universe. At this time, the Confucian theory of music also incorporated a strong sense of the universe, believing that rites and music were created following the harmonious nature of heaven and earth.

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