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 Research on the Yue Thought in LiJi    


 《礼记》 ; 礼乐思想 ; 丧礼 ; 祭礼    


  LiJi ; Rituals and Yue ; Funeral Rites ; Sacrificial Rites    









LiJi, one of the classics of Confucianism, is one of the more complete theoretical works on the idea of "Yue" (hereinafter referred to as Yue) in ancient Chinese literature. The Yue contained in other classical texts of the pre-Qin dynasty, such as the Rites of Zhou, the Analects of Confucius, Xunzi, and the Records of the Grand Historian, is almost identical to LiJi. Rites and Yue are necessary for each other, "Rites and Yue cannot be Sis must go to the body".There are Rites and Yue accompanying different situations of human existence. Rites and Yue are intrinsically related to people. Different life stages and occasions hold different Rites, interpret different Yue and express different feelings, and Yue makes people have common feelings and resonance. Funeral Rites and rituals are discussed more fully and intensively in LiJi, so this paper mainly discusses the Yue in specific rituals in conjunction with funeral rites and rituals, and discusses the "no Yue" system in funeral Rites and the Yue system in rituals respectively. The funeral Rites are used as an example to analyze how to place human feelings under the "no Yue" system, and the rituals are used as an example to see how people communicate with heaven and earth in the "natural Rites and Yue".

The first chapter explores what "Yue" means in itself, and develops the narrative from two perspectives: body and use. This section explores the basis of Yue from the origin of Yue, the origin of the word "Yue" and the origin of Yue, and explores the connotation of Yue from Yue theory, Yue forms and Yue works. The Yue is used to nurture the virtues of the rulers, to educate the people, and to promote the realization of "political harmony" and "change of customs".

The purpose of rituals and Yue is to "create a text to suit the emotions" and to settle the body and mind. The second chapter takes "emotion" as the starting point, in the culture of ritual and Yue, there is a difference between ritual and Yue. Yue is the expression of human "feelings", while ritual focuses on the order of different social classes in the "other". Therefore, the "feelings" expressed in Yue itself are universal, and can be said to have the property of "the harmony of heaven and earth", which can harmonize and unite all things. Although the Rites and Yue are different, they are both "about human feelings", but the Rites play the role of "section feelings", while the Yue shoulders the role of "sparing feelings". Rites and Yue complement each other, and cannot be neglected. Only in this way can the "text" be in accordance with human feelings, to achieve the personality of a gentleman, and to realize the ritual and Yue to rule the world.

Chapter 3 explores the idea of Yue in funeral rites. The ideas of "death is like life" and "cautiously pursuing the end of life" make funeral rites a crucial ritual for the study of Confucian Rites and Yue. This part discusses the origin and development of funeral rites, as well as the process and rituals of funeral rites; it focuses on the conflicts between the elements of Yue and the "forbidden Yue" that appear in funeral rites and the problems of Yue in funeral rites in reality. It also discusses the nature of "Yue", the relationship between Yue and politics, and the rituals of Yue in accordance with the laws of yin and yang of heaven and earth.

Chapter 4 explores the idea of Yue in sacrificial rites. The Yue of the sacrificial rites is a symbol of the beginning of the rituals, an important vehicle to communicate with the gods, and a means to please them. This part first analyzes the meaning of the origin of rituals from etymology, and sorts out the different development of sacrificial rites (witch, sacrifice, and Ritual Yue); it also discusses the Yue of sacrificial rituals in terms of its classification, composition, process, and characteristics; it clarifies the core concept of rituals and highlights the function of ritual Yue in them.

The Rituals and Yue are the reflection of human nature and human feelings. The Rituals and Yue are made in accordance with human feelings and the laws of heaven, and they are not only the universal norms of human society, but also the way to realize the "unity of heaven and man" and the transcendence of man's life essence.

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