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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义基本原理    






















 A Study of William Leiss's thought of " domination of nature"    


 威廉·莱斯 ; 生态马克思主义 ; “控制自然” ; 人与自然 ; 人与自然和谐 共生 ; 生态文明建设    


 William Leiss ; Eco-Marxism ; "domination of nature" ; man and nature ; symbiosis between man and nature ; ecological civilization construction    


       生态问题已然成为世界各国关注的焦点问题之一,也是我们在现代化建设过程 中亟待解决的问题。关于生态问题,深入探究其本质不难发现,它很大程度上根源于人与自然之间关系的失衡。生态马克思主义学派作为西方马克思主义的重要学派之一, 将生态主义思想和马克思主义基本原理相结合,以独特的视角对生态问题的产生原因、 解决路径做出剖析。威廉·莱斯作为生态马克思主义学派的代表性人物之一,从生态批判的视角提出“控制自然”思想。本文将以马克思主义生态自然观理论为理论基调, 以莱斯“控制自然”思想为研究对象,立足于国内外学术界对莱斯生态马克思主义思 想研究的基础上,深入阐释莱斯“控制自然“思想的演变历程、生态批判和生态构建等内容,继而从东西方文明比较的视域,评析莱斯“控制自然”思想的进步性和局限 性。通过评析莱斯“控制自然”思想,一方面加深对莱斯“控制自然”思想生态批判 理论的认知;另一方面深化认知莱斯生态马克思主义的理论内核,从中总结经验教训 以期推动我国乃至全球的生态文明建设。

       莱斯“控制自然”思想以人与自然之间控制与服从的辩证关系为理论核心,对“控 制自然”思想做出生态批判。本文除绪论外主要包括三部分内容。第一部分是威廉·莱斯“控制自然”思想概述。本部分旨在铺垫莱斯“控制自然”思想的理论渊源和理论演进路程,为后续莱斯对“控制自然”思想的生态批判提供理论前提。第二部分从意识形态层面、技术理性层面和虚假消费层面详细论述莱斯对“控制自然”思想的生态批判和建构。莱斯认为,“控制自然”思想的意识形态化是引发生态问题的根本原因;在资本主义制度下,技术工具异化为统治阶级控制自然和控制人的手段;对自然的技术控制最终表现为以操纵需求的方式实现为对人的控制,人类的消费成为虚假消费。为此,解决生态问题要从“控制自然”转向“解放自然”,从技术理性转向技术工具的合理运用,要重构人类需求结构,建立“易于生存的社会”。第三部分是威廉·莱斯“控制自然”思想评析和启示。以马克思主义生态自然观为理论导向,从东西方文明的视域下对莱斯“控制自然”思想展开评析。通过于此,在加深对莱斯“控制自然”思想的认知的基础上更好地分析其进步性和局限性。与此同时,洞悉莱斯“控制自然”思想的理论内核,结合我国的生态现状,分析莱斯“控制自然”思想对我国生态文明建设的有益启示。


               Nowadays,ecological issues are the focus of attention of countries around the world , and they are also issues that we urgently need to solve in the process of modernization.As for ecological issues, it is not difficult to dig deeper into their essence and find that it is a manifestation of the imbalance in the relationship between man and nature.As one of the most important schools of Western Marxism, Eco-Marxism combines ecological thought with the basic principles of Marxism, and puts forward unique insights on the causes and solutions of ecological problems.As one of the important representatives of the ecological Marxist school, William Leiss launched an ecological critique of the idea of "domination of nature" under the guidance of the Marxist concept of ecological nature.This paper will take the Marxist theory of ecological nature as the general guide, take William Leiss 's "The domination of Nature" and "The Limits To Satisfaction" as the main text basis, take William Leiss 's "domination of nature" thought as the research object, and based on the research on William Leiss 's ecological Marxist thought in domestic and foreign academic circles, and deeply explain the evolution process, ecological criticism and ecological construction of William Leiss 's "domination of nature" thought.Then, from the perspective of comparing Eastern and Western civilizations, this paper evaluates the progress and limitations of William Leiss 's "domination of nature" .On the one hand, deepens the understanding of William Leiss 's ecological critical theory of "domination nature" thought, and strives to fully grasp its progress and limitations. On the other hand, deepen the understanding of the theoretical core of William Leiss ecological Marxism, and summarize lessons learned from it in order to promote the construction of ecological civilization in China and even the world.

William Leiss 's idea of "domination of nature" takes the dialectical relationship between control and obedience between man and nature as the core of the theory, and makes an ecological critique of the idea of "domination of nature".In addition to the introduction, this paper mainly includes three aspects. The first part is an overview of William Leiss 's idea of "domination nature". This part aims to pave the theoretical origin and theoretical evolution of William Leiss 's idea of "domination of nature", and provide a theoretical premise for William Leiss 's ecological critique of the idea of "domination of nature".The second part discusses in detail William Leiss 's ecological critique and construction of the idea of "domination of nature" from the level of ideology, technical rationality and false consumption. William Leiss pointed out that the ideologization of the idea of "domination of nature" is the root cause of the ecological crisis; Under capitalism, technological tools are alienated into means by which the ruling class controls nature and man; The technological control of nature is ultimately manifested as the control of people by manipulating needs, and human consumption becomes false consumption. Therefore, to solve ecological problems, we must shift from "domination of nature" to "liberating nature", from technological rationality to ecological rationality, reconstruct the structure of human needs, and establish a "society that is easy to survive".The third part is William's Leiss "domination of nature" thought commentary and revelation. Through comparative analysis, the progress and limitations of William Leiss's idea of "domination of nature" are better analyzed on the basis of deepening the understanding of its "domination of nature". At the same time, this paper provides insight into the theoretical core of William Leiss 's idea of "domination of nature", combined with the current ecological situation of China, and analyzes the reference value of William Leiss 's "domination of nature" thought to the construction of ecological civilization in China.

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