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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义基本原理    






















 A Study on the Concept and Evolution of Marx's "Relations of Production"    


 生产关系 ; 生产力 ; 演进逻辑 ; 当代价值    


 production relations ; productivity ; evolutionary logic ; contemporary value    










The concept of production relations runs through the thought of Marx and Engels, and it is the core category of the development of the basic principles of Marx's historical materialism. The entire course of the development of Marx's thought involves the concept of "production relations". The relationship of production is the form and necessary way of autonomous activities for human beings to exchange material with nature and realize their own development, and it is also the basis for all complex relationships in society. Academia has various perspectives on the investigation of production relations. On the one hand, based on the premise of material production and the objective reality of social construction, it studies the nature and development of the concept of realistic production labor; on the other hand, it studies production relations and theories from the evolutionary logic of intellectual history. , the academic circle focuses on the historical generation trajectory, connotation, meaning and internal structure of production relations based on the concept of production relations based on the original works.

This article explores the evolutionary trajectory and the gradual deepening of the Marxist concept of "production relations" by combining literature review with ideological interpretation, text analysis and conceptual interpretation, so as to define the production relations in line with the classical context and clarify the production relations. The special status of relations in Marx's theory, starting from the whole of Marx's theory of production relations, and pointing to the problems of Marx's research on production relations in different periods, from the exploration of concepts to the analysis of Marx's theory of production relations as a whole, to put "production relations". The study of the concept is combined with the emergence and internal development process of Marx's theory, clarifying the evolution logic of the concept of "production relations", and at the same time exploring the main content of production relations, as well as the transformation of Marx's perspective and the theoretical foothold. Based on the integrity of Marx's research on the concept of "production relations", this paper focuses on the following issues.

First, it analyzes the connotation and characteristics of Marx's concept of "production relations". The concept of "production relations" has different connotations in different periods, contexts and texts of Marx, such as "material interests", "civil society", "alienated labor", "private property", "production relations and forms of communication". Concepts such as “social relations” and “capitalist production relations” clearly define the connotation of production relations based on the text itself. And further based on the overall characteristics of Marx's theory and the special status of the concept of "production relations", it summarizes and analyzes the practical, objective, critical, historical, developmental and scientific characteristics of the concept of "production relations" in the classical context of Marx.

Second, the evolutionary logic of Marx's concept of "production relations". Taking the time axis as a clue, this paper sorts out the research changes of the connotation and content of production relations in different periods of Marx's research on production relations and the process of theoretical turning, so as to form a holistic theory of production relations. Marx's research on production relations has experienced the budding from the turn of interests, the initial establishment in the process of establishing the historical materialism, the deepening development in the study of political economy, and then the research on the socialist production relations in the East and communist production in his later years. The analysis of relational characteristics realizes the unity and effective interaction of conceptual interpretation, historical logic and practical logic.

Third, Main contents of Marx's concept of "production relations". Summarize the integrity of Marx's research on "production relations" from the dynamic development of Marx's theory. The research on the concept of production relations is the core and main line of Marx's formation of production relations theory, and it is also the process of combining practical problems with historical logic and theoretical logic. The systematic study of production relations in Marx's theory includes the inherent basis for the formation and transformation of production relations; the internal connection between the concept of production relations and other related concepts; the analysis of the general structure and internal relations of social production, and the analysis of the capitalist production links, circulation A comprehensive critique of the capitalist relations of production by link and distribution link.

Fourth, the theoretical status and contemporary value of Marx's concept of "production relations". The concept of production relations is an important main line and core category of the theoretical research of production relations in Marx's theoretical research. Marx not only studies the concept of production relations in theoretical research, but also forms the basis of production relations based on practical problems and the needs of practice and theory. ideas and theories. The conceptual study of production relations is not only of great significance to Marx's theory of production relations and the whole of Marxist theory, but also to the understanding of historical materialism and the basic principles of Marxism.

The formation of Marx's historical materialism is accompanied by the evolution of the concept of "production relations". Marx's concept of "production relations" is the basic category for analyzing the law of development of human society, the constituent element of the basic contradictions of human society, and the concept of grasping the concept of productivity and superstructure. The intermediary is also the theoretical basis for Marx to discover the theory of surplus value and to recognize the development trend of capitalism and the historical mission of socialism. A systematic study of the concept of production relations is not only beneficial to explain the basic principles of historical materialism, but also to clarify the misunderstandings and misunderstandings of human social changes. In order to provide theoretical reference for the production relations related issues through this research.

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