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 管理学 - 公共管理    






















 Research on the implementation effect and optimization of the "Road-to-Railway" policy in Yulin area——Taking the S railway as an example    


 “公转铁” ; 铁路运输 ; 大宗货物 ; 运输结构    


 “Road-to-Rail” ; railway transportation ; bulk cargo ; transportation structure    






With the rapid development of China's economy, the transportation demand for all kinds of goods has also increased by a large margin, but at the same time, the proportion of railway transportation has continued to decrease and the decline rate has continued to expand, and road transport is at the top of the list.A large number of road transportation leads to a high emission of pollutants such as nitrogen oxides and particulate matte, while the energy consumption of railway per unit freight turnover of railway and the emission of pollutants in the environment are very low compared with road transport.Moreover, the railway transportation mode has low cost and little pollution.Therefore, increasing the railway freight volume can not only reduce the air pollutant emissions from the transportation industry, but also save the transportation cost from the source and improve the economic benefits.In this context, on July 3, 2018, the State Council formally promulgated the "three-year Action Plan for winning the Defense of the Blue Sky", actively adjusting the overall transportation mode and structure of the whole country, developing a healthy green transportation system, and greatly increasing the proportion of railway freight transportation in all freight transport, especially the transportation volume of bulk commodities.In September of the same year, the "Three-year Action Plan for promoting Transportation restructuring (2018-2020)" issued by the State Council was formally issued, which aims to optimize the national freight transport structure, reduce the volume of goods transported through roads, and increase the volume of bulk goods carried by railways and waterways.

As a large country of coal energy consumption, the total amount of coal transportation in China has maintained a growing trend every year, while the distribution of coal resources in China is mainly concentrated in the northwest region. the main producing provinces are Inner Mongolia Autonomous region, Shaanxi Province and Shanxi Province. S railway line is located at the confluence of the above three provinces and is located in Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield, one of the five major coalfields in the world. It is the second major channel for transporting coal from west to east in China after the Daqin Railway. It undertakes the task of outward transportation of Shenfu-Dongsheng coalfield, self-produced coal and some local coal.The proposal of the "public transfer iron" policy has brought new opportunities for the company's business development. Therefore, how to effectively implement the "transit iron" policy is particularly important for the company to improve transport volume and long-term development, and plays an exemplary role in promoting the "transit iron" policy in Yulin City and Shaanxi Province. at the same time, it can also provide reference experience for other areas to promote the effective landing of the "public transfer iron" policy and the adjustment of transport structure.

This paper collects and sorts out the company’s coal transportation and other cargo transportation data in recent years. Through studying the relevant policies of the country, Shaanxi Province, and Yulin City on transportation structure adjustments and related domestic and foreign "Road-to-Rail" related documents. The law and Smith policy implementation process model elaborated on the specific situation of the implementation of the "Road-to-Rail" policy in S railroad line, and concluded that as of the end of 2020,the policy planning time, including the country and the S railroad line, the "revolution" has not been completed. "Road-to-Rail" policy is the planning goal, and the proportion of the country's policy planning goals is higher than that of S railroad line; then using the Smith policy implementation process model to analyze the problems and reasons that S railroad line has in the implementation of the "railway transfer" policy is reflected in four aspects: The policy itself has certain shortcomings, the implementation of relevant departments is not strong enough, the target group affects the effect of policy implementation, and there is a lack of a good policy implementation environment. In response to the analysis of the above problems, corresponding solutions are proposed: perfect policy content, relevant government departments play a leading and coordinating role, target groups actively promote implementation, and optimize the policy implementation environment.

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