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 经济学 - 金融*    
























 Analysis of the Effectiveness of Huimin Insurance Products' Coverage    


 惠民保 ; 保障效果 ; 因子分析法    


 Huimin Insurance ; coverage effect ; factor analysis model    






The creation of China's medical insurance system is centered on easing public access issues, preventing illness-related poverty, returning to illness-related poverty, and steadily raising the level of medical insurance. Urban customized commercial medical insurance, Huimin Insurance, has been introduced nationally to fill the gap between local basic medical insurance and commercial critical illness insurance in order to address the imbalance in the development of the medical security system and increase the level of medical insurance coverage. The rapid and brief growth of Huimin insurance products has, however, led to issues including ambiguous positioning and inadequate coverage that have a significant negative impact on the long-term viability of Huimin insurance. In order to improve China's medical security system, advance universal health insurance, and create a healthy China, it is crucial to study the coverage effect, coverage level, and problems encountered in order to provide reference data for the revision of current beneficiary insurance products and the design of new products.


This paper examines the growth of Huimin Insurance in China using the body of research literature and bases its analysis on theories of inclusive finance, insurance intermediary theory, financial exclusion, and insurance exclusion theory. Clarification of Huimin Insurance's posture is provided, along with a compilation of all 205 domestic Huimin Insurance products and analyses and summaries of their current state, product features, and prospects for sustainable growth. Based on this, 19 indicators from underwriting, participation, liability, and service levels were chosen, and a factor analysis model was used to evaluate the efficacy of these goods. Six products were then chosen for in-depth comparison. In order to investigate the coverage impact of Huiqin Insurance on significant diseases, this paper chose the treatment costs of surgical cancer patients in a tertiary hospital in Xi'an as the sample data. The efficiency of Huimin Insurance's coverage was examined from various angles.


The following conclusions were reached after this paper examined several features of Huimin Insurance: 1. The public features of Huimin Insurance products with better coverage include government support, high average premiums, a noticeably higher reimbursement ratio of the coverage cap and number of specialty drugs, noticeably better claims for rare diseases and prior illnesses, and more thorough coverage of guaranteed liability. Huiqin Insurance also only covers a limited portion of the population and has strict compensation standards for cancer patients. The security provided by Huiqin Insurance is becoming increasingly clear as healthcare expenses for cancer patients rise. 2. Huimin Insurance currently has a number of issues, including a high deductible setting, inconsistent product quality, a narrow assurance of responsibility, low market penetration, and an inability to guarantee renewal. 3. Huimin Insurance's development trend indicates that the rollout trend will likely continue to be strong in the near future, that participation rate boundaries are beginning to emerge, that Huimin insurance products are no longer constrained by single pricing, and that the insurance companies will continue to operate at break-even premium levels. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the protection effects of Huimin insurance products and gives suggestions for the future development of Huimin insurance products from the perspectives of insurance companies, local government departments, and regulatory authorities in light of the above findings in terms of sustainability and universality.

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