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 教育学 - 教育学 - 教育技术学(可授教育学、理学学位)    






















 Research on Learner Emotion Recognition in Online Teaching Based on Convolutional Neural Network    


 在线教育 ; 情感缺失 ; 表情识别 ; 卷积神经网络    


 Online Education ; Lack of Emotion ; Expression Recognition ; Convolutional Neural Network    




~With the rapid development of information technology in recent years, home broadband networks and personal high-speed mobile networks are rapidly popularize, the concept of "lifelong learning" have been widely accepted, and online education has emerged and become popular. In 2020, during the outbreak of the new coronavirus, in response to the call of “stop classes and non-stop schools” propose, online education instantly became the only choice for universities, primary schools, secondary schools, and educational institutions. 

People are not strangers to online learning, and even have higher requirements on it. We hope that online teachers can pay attention to learning status just like teachers do in traditional classrooms, and adjust the teaching progress and teaching methods according to learning status. Existing online learning systems generally focus on knowledge-level interactions, and lack of research and application of emotional interaction. Teachers and learners cannot communicate face-to-face, capture the learner's current learning emotions and the emotional changes, and then fail to know the learner's teaching effectiveness and classroom experience, and play the role of emotional factors.

The intelligent learning mode that combines artificial intelligence and online education has become a new trend of education informationization, and strives to improve the "emotional deficiency" phenomenon in traditional online education. This paper analyzes the problems of online live teaching system, proposes a live broadcast model with emotional feedback function, and details the principle and process of the model. Apply expression recognition technology detects and tracks learner expressions during the learning process, and provides teachers with intuitive user learning feedback data. It also enables teachers to gain student participation and learning experience in the classroom, adjusts teaching strategies, and uses student emotions and feedback Guide to create an intelligent learning environment

Through the study of deep learning theory, this paper focuses on the analysis of the structure and characteristics of convolutional neural networks, discusses three classic convolutional neural network models such as AlexNet, VGG, and GoogLeNet, and proposes a suitable strategy for online education, a simple convolutional neural network model for emotion recognition. Using the convolutional neural network model proposed in this paper, an emotion recognition module is implemented. This module can perform facial expression recognition on the face of the current learner, classify the learner's current learning status based on the recognition results, and record and feedback the classification results. It helps to achieve the purpose of effective unification of educational theory and technology, and a certain extent alleviates the problem of "emotional loss".

Finally, in the case of online teaching in schools across the country, the emotion recognition module is tested online and verified in a one-to-many live classroom. Samples of this experiment were 22 undergraduate students in the class of 2008. After the online experiment, 22 students were surveyed. The accuracy rate of the recognition result of the emotion recognition module is analyzed through the time sequence diagram of the online learning status from each learner and the results of the questionnaire. The experimental results show that the emotion recognition module designed in this paper has higher recognition results and certain practical value.


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