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 管理学 - 公共管理    






















 Study on internet public opinion management problems and countermeasures of N University    


 4R理论 ; 高校 ; 网络舆情管理 ; 危机预警    


 “4R” Theory ; Universities ; Internet public opinion management ; Crisis early-warning    





With the development of globalization economy and internet technology, colleges have become gathering places for multi-cultural collisions. Judging from the current actual situation of colleges and universities, college emergencies are mainly concentrated in the handling of student violations, mental illness and campus safety accidents, etc., which are the main concentration aspects of college emergencies. If colleges and universities lack corresponding emergency measures and fail to take reasonable measures in time, the public opinion guidance strategy of colleges will cause an unstoppable increase in the incidence of group emergencies in colleges and universities. It seriously endangers campus safety, damages the rights of people in colleges , and also make a negative impact of the students and the school prestige. Thus, the management of network public opinion in colleges become a hot spot for scholar. In general, Chinese universities do not have a high level of internet public opinion management. Additionally, there are a lot of issues with how public opinion crisis situations are handled and responded to. For instance, there are accompany with additional issues, poor risk knowledge, inadequate use of information channels, and poor awareness of public opinion direction.

The 4R model of crisis management is the foundation for this paper's analysis. To investigate the existing state, issues, and fixes for Chinese college opinion management. First of all, it declare the situation and results of other scholars’ study of university network public opinion management. Secondly, the experience gained in crisis management in domestic and foreign universities is summarized. Third, this paper selects the questionnaire to collect the data for empirical research to find out the level management of N universities and combined with corresponding research results. The following problems of N universities were found by the study of the three typical public opinion crisis cases of N universities: the crisis awareness of the reduction stage is not strong; The early warning detection is not in place; Untimely coordination of the reaction phase; The recovery phase is not thoroughly channeled. Finally, the attribution and countermeasures of the four stages of N universities are proposed,the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed in the preparatory stage,. For the shrinking stage, it proposed to strengthen vigilance against the thinking of the integration of information and risk assessment. The corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are proposed in the preparatory stage, it suggested enhancing network public opinion monitoring and early warning systems in colleges and universities, raising the bar for network public opinion analysis and judgment, enhancing college and university responses to public opinion crises, and enhancing their coordination and linkage systems.For the response stage, it proposed to build an authoritative information release platform and strengthen the management and communication of the media. For the recovery stage, it is proposed to restore normal network order and rebuild the psychological defense line of teachers and students. In summary, through the induction and collation of basic theories, this paper provides theoretical supplements for the investigation of internet public opinion management issues in universities, determines the solutions and optimization measures for improving the level of network public opinion management in N universities, and serves as a reference for further in-depth analysis by subsequent researchers. It does this through the specific application of the 4R theory and the innovation of survey methods.

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