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 Web Map Service Sharing Platform based on Vector Tile    


 矢量瓦片 ; WebGIS ; 地图制图 ; Mapbox ; Node.js    


 Vector Tile ; WebGIS ; Mapping ; Mapbox ; Node.js    




(1) 研究了Mapbox矢量瓦片相关技术,具体有矢量瓦片标准、矢量瓦片样式文件结构、MBTiles瓦片存储技术、Tilelive瓦片调度技术等相关技术、标准、工具链。分析了通过矢量瓦片实现在线制图的两种原理和矢量瓦片编码规范。Mapbox矢量瓦片相关技术的研究是本文的理论基础部分。

(2) 明确了矢量瓦片制图的关键要素,即瓦片集、数据集、字体、符号库、样式。在此基础上清晰地划分出功能模块,进而对平台进行了网络结构设计、软件架构设计和数据存储方式、存储结构设计。

(3) 实现了网络地图服务与共享平台原型系统。采用适合海量数据存储且扩展性强的NoSQL数据库MongoDB作为主要存储手段;采用具有良好高并发特性的Node.js作为开发平台;Express作为后端服务框架,搭建了一系列的RESTful API;采用支持组件化开发方式的前端框架Vue进行客户端搭建;利用AJAX技术进行前后端通信,并且使用JSON Web Token技术作为身份认证手段。

(4) 提供了瓦片集数据、字体数据、符号库数据作为平台默认数据,并依据这些数据制作了两种默认样式Bright和Satellite,供用户进行不同场景的制图开发。

(5) 对服务器端和客户端进行了功能测试并利用性能评测工具进行了性能测试。



With the fast development of geographic information industry in recent years, map service based on network has become a mainstream geospatial data application way. Major Chinese map suppliers (Baidu, and Amap etc) have their own map services and a series of extending functional services. However, since user data has played a much more important role in the process of mapping, it is the high time for developing a high-performance map service sharing platform with strong interaction capacity.


This thesis researches the related technologies of Mapbox Vector Tile, and combines Node.js, MongoDB and other technologies to design and realize the web map service sharing platform. The platform includes three parts, namely client, server and data storage, which provides a series network map service such as geospatial data uploading, acquiring, management, online mapping and map sharing. The main works of this thesis are as follows:


(1) Related technologies of Mapbox Vector Tile are researched, including vector tile standard, vector tile structure, MBTiles storage technology, Tilelive scheduling technology. Also, the two means of online mapping realization based on vector tile are analyzed. The research on the related technologies of Mapbox Vector Tile is the basic theoretical part of this thesis.


(2) The key elements, namely tileset, dataset, font, symbol library, and style file, of vector tile mapping are identified. Given these map styling elements, functional modules are clearly classified. Then, the network structure, software structure, data storage are designed.


(3) The prototype system of the map service sharing platform is implemented. MongoDB, a NoSQL database which is suitable for massive data storage, is used as main storage way. Node.js, which possesses better high concurrency, is used as development platform, Express is used as server side framework, and a series RESTful API is established. Frontend framework Vue is used to conduct modularization and build client side web page. AJAX is used to conduct client and server communication, and JSON Web Token is used as the method of Authentication.


(4) Tileset data, font data, symbol library data are provided as default data of the platform. Two kinds of default styles Bright and Satellite are designed and provided based on default data so that users can conduct mapping in different scenes.


(5) The functional tests are carried out on both server and client sides and the performance test tool is used to test the platform.


Based on above research, design and realization, this platform is finally deployed in lab environment and Ali Cloud. Through local and online tests, the platform’s functions are confirmed. The web map service sharing platform based on vector tile not only can satisfy users requirements to share, manage geospatial data and mapping online, but also possesses the advantages of cross platform, being easy to extend and better performance etc.

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