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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 思想政治教育    






















 Research on the Path to Enhance National Identity among College Students in the New Era    


 大学生 ; 国家认同 ; 影响因素 ; 思想政治教育 ; 提升路径    


 College students ; national identity ; influencing factors ; ideological and political education ; promotion path    






National identity is how citizens recognize their country’s history, culture, customs, political system, ideology and other aspects. It is a vital social foundation for a country’s cohesion, stability and development, and also a requirement for a country to have a place in the international community. As globalization increases, the cross-border movement of population, capital and culture grows more intense, and the national model changes fast. With the innovation and progress of technology and the spread of capital globalization, the role of the nation-state as the core of cultural, political and economic organization declines. The influence of the mixed and diverse social currents brought by globalization deeply affects the national identity of China’s young generation. College students are crucial reserve talents in China. Their national identity not only influences their personal quality development but also concerns national stability and national revival.


In this context, this paper develops a theoretical analysis framework and formulates specific research questions and hypotheses by reviewing and drawing on relevant research at home and abroad. By designing a scale to collect data and perform statistical analysis and model construction, it conducts descriptive analysis and explanatory research on the level of national identity and its influencing factors among college students in China, investigates its internal mechanism and key influencing factors, and based on this, suggests effective ways to enhance the national identity of college students in China.


The research found that the overall national identity of college students in China is high. Their scores in different dimensions vary slightly; there are significant differences in national identity among different groups of college students; annual household income, monthly living expenses, and educational level have a significant negative impact on national identity; employment expectations, ethnic identity, satisfaction with ideological and political courses, new media use, self-esteem, happiness index, general self-efficacy have a significant positive impact on national identity; ethnic identity also has a significant impact on national identity; social security, political status, political participation, gender, household registration have no significant impact on national identity; in the total sample, from the perspective of various influencing factors, individual psychological factors have the highest influence, followed by political factors, followed by cultural factors, and the lowest influence is economic factors. The influence of each factor from high to low is ethnic identity, self-esteem, general self-efficacy, subjective well-being, satisfaction with ideological and political courses, social security new media browsing news frequency, educational level, monthly living expenses, family annual income, major, ethnic identity. Therefore, in cultivating college students’ national identity, we should pay attention to the following aspects: clarify the needs and strategies of different groups to improve national identity; integrate the sense of community of the Chinese nation into ideological and political education; continuously improve the satisfaction of college students’ ideological and political education theory courses; cultivate and enhance positive psychological capital for national identity.

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