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 工学 - 机械    














 章云    导师信息










 Research on the Online Extraction and Evaluation Method of Roundness Error for Precision Rotor    


 精密转轴 ; 在线提取 ; 误差分离 ; 测量不确定度 ; 自然选择的粒子群算法    


 Precision rotor ; On-line extraction ; Error separation ; Measurement uncertainty ; NSPSO    







关 键 词:精密转轴,在线提取,误差分离,测量不确定度,自然选择的粒子群算法


The equipment manufacturing industry is developing in the direction of high efficiency and high precision, and the function and performance of high-end manufacturing equipment depend to a large extent on core rotating components such as high-precision rotors. Due to the influence of the assembly accuracy, manufacturing process and working environment of the rotor parts, there will be a certain roundness error of the machined rotor, which will cause vibration of the rotor during operation. Therefore, on-line detection and extraction of roundness error is an important step to monitor the working state and evaluate the operating performance of the rotor. Qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation of the rotor roundness error have become the focus of research at home and abroad in recent years. This thesis studies the on-line extraction and evaluation method of the rotor roundness error, the main contents are as follows:

Firstly, in view of the noise interference in the signal collected in the experiment, the time-frequency domain filtering method is studied, and the second-order Gaussian regression filter is used in the time domain and the step filter is used in the frequency domain to remove the signal noise, and the effectiveness of the time-frequency domain filtering method is verified through simulation. In addition, combined with the time-frequency domain processing of the same signal, The correspondence of signal filtering in time-frequency domain is given.

Secondly, the factors affecting the error separation accuracy of the three-point method are analyzed. Aiming at the problem of abnormal values in vibration signals, a signal processing method using robust Gaussian regression filter is proposed to eliminate the abnormal values. In order to solve the problem of sensor noise interference, an optimization method of sensor installation Angle based on harmonic suppression is proposed to achieve noise suppression in the process of error separation. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of error separation. In addition, Monte Carlo method is used to quantitatively calculate the uncertainty of error separation process.

Finally, the online evaluation method of roundness error is studied, and the roundness and cylindricity evaluation methods are respectively used to analyze the roundness error of single section and multi-section of the rotor. The cylinder error optimization evaluation method based on nature selection particle swarm optimization is proposed, and the accuracy of the optimization algorithm in this thesis is verified by experimental comparison.

In this thesis, the time-frequency signal filtering method of rotor vibration signal is studied, and the error separation accuracy improvement technology which can deal with outliers and suppress noise is proposed. The uncertainty in the separation process is calculated, and the cylindricity error optimization evaluation is realized, which provides support for ensuring the high-precision online detection and evaluation of rotor roundness error.

Keywords: Precision rotor, On-line extraction, Error separation, Measurement uncertainty, NSPSO

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