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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 思想政治教育    






















 Research on the Precision of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities in the Context of Big data    


 大数据 ; 高校思想政治教育 ; 精准化    


 Big data ; college ideological and political education ; precision    







Since mankind entered the era of Big data, Big data has become a valuable information resource with its large number, fast speed, and many types. It has been widely used in many fields. The huge wave of data has profoundly affected and changed people's lifestyle, and has also achieved new development in the field of ideological and political education. Currently, the traditional "flood irrigation" supply model is no longer able to meet the needs of contemporary college students. Promoting the precision of ideological and political education in universities is an inevitable requirement for improving education quality and efficiency, an urgent need to comply with the structural reform of the education supply side, and also a practical need to meet the growth and development of college students.


The rapid development of campus network, the wide application of new media and the growing maturity of Big data technology provide the possibility for the precise research of ideological and political education in colleges and universities. College students in the era of Big data are both consumers and producers of data. All behaviors can be recorded, mined, analyzed and utilized. Therefore, in view of the above difficulties, we should adhere to accurate thinking, cut in from the perspective of college students, scientifically analyze the ideological attitude, interests, habits and other characteristics of college students according to the Big data of college students' behavior, and then accurately analyze, understand and predict the ideological and political needs of college students, grasp their learning and living conditions, predict their development trends, and provide targeted and accurate ideological and political education, Realizing the essential transformation from "flood irrigation" to "precision drip irrigation".


This paper regards Big data as a kind of thinking, and uses the contradiction analysis method, literature research method, and social survey research method to study the precision of ideological and political education in colleges and universities in the context of Big data. In the introduction section, the background and significance of the topic are summarized, and a brief analysis of the current theoretical research status in the academic community in recent years is conducted. The research ideas, content, and methods are determined, and potential innovations in research perspectives, content, and methods are identified. The second part is related to theoretical foundations, including two parts: conceptual definition and theoretical basis. Define the relevant concepts of Big data, contemporary college students and the precision of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, and clarify their connotation, characteristics and content. The third part is mechanism analysis, which explores the necessity and possibility of applying Big data to the precision of ideological and political education in colleges and universities, as well as the relationship between the two. The fourth part is empirical analysis, which uses questionnaires and interviews to investigate the overall situation and existing problems of the precision of ideological and political education in universities. The fifth part analyzes the reasons for the problems in the precision of ideological and political education in universities. Finally, based on the problems and reasons, it explores the improvement of educational effectiveness from four aspects: precise grasp of educational needs, precise construction of teacher teams, precise supply of educational content, and precise selection of educational methods, in order to promote the implementation of the fundamental task of moral education.

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