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 Research on Tao Xingzhi's Life Aesthetic Education Thought    


 陶行知 ; 生活美育 ; 知情意合一 ; 社会即学校 ; 教学做合一    


 Tao Xingzhi ; Life Aesthetics Education ; Unity of Knowledge and Intention ; Society as School ; Integration of Teaching and Practice    





Tao Xingzhi is a great educator and aesthetic education theorist in China, enjoying a high reputation in modern Chinese history. The prominent feature of his aesthetic education ideology is to carry out aesthetic education in daily life practice, therefore his aesthetic education ideology is also known as life aesthetic education. Life aesthetic education advocates the creation of true, good, and beautiful living beings through all aspects of life, that is, guided by the pursuit of beauty in life, teaching people to pursue truth, improve morality, and improve personality, ultimately achieving artistic transformation of people, promoting their comprehensive development, and playing a role in transforming society. Compared to other aesthetic education theories, the unique feature of life aesthetic education is its integration with life and its ability to be implemented at any time in life, not limited to specific venues and objects.


This article is mainly divided into six parts: Chapter 1 is an introduction, which mainly sorts out and analyzes the relevant research on Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education thoughts, in order to have a complete and clear grasp of Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education thoughts. The second chapter mainly combs the ideological source of Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education. His thought is influenced by Chinese traditional culture, attaches importance to "heuristic" education, and deeply inspires Wang Yangming's thought, emphasizing that "action is the beginning of knowledge". Later, through systematic study of education theory abroad, he made a Chinese transformation of Dewey's thought. During this period, he deeply absorbed and learned the influence of accepting Marxist practical philosophy, His thoughts integrate Chinese and Western cultures and combine them with the actual education in China to transform into his unique theory of life aesthetics, which is highly personal and Chinese style. The third chapter is the core chapter of this article, mainly analyzing the main content of Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education. This chapter divides the content of Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education into two aspects: "beauty" and "education", and analyzes the two parts in detail based on aesthetic principles and aesthetic education ideas. Among them, the concept of "beauty" originates from Chinese classical aesthetics and Chernychevsky's "beauty is life". Based on the "beauty of life", he pursues the beauty of natural simplicity, attaches importance to the beauty of environmental impact, emphasizes the beauty of order and norms, and deepens the beauty of internal behavior. In terms of aesthetic education, he proposed that it should be an education that combines knowledge, emotion, and will, and advocated the essential concept of "unity of knowledge and intention" in aesthetic education. He attaches great importance to inspiring students' 'interest in art, so that they can possess the qualities of "truth, goodness, and beauty" and live an "artistic life". In the implementation process of life aesthetic education, he proposed the aesthetic education space theory of "society is the school", expanding the field of education to society. In practice, combine the implementation method of "integration of teaching and practice" in aesthetic education, and implement aesthetic education. The fourth chapter mainly discusses the methods and implementation of Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetics education. Tao Xingzhi attached great importance to practice and the content of "doing" throughout his life, so his life aesthetic education has solid practical experience compared to the aesthetic education ideas of other scholars. Chapter 5 discusses the characteristics of Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education. His unique creativity, emphasis on practicality, advocacy for commonality, strengthening comprehensiveness, constructing lifelong nature, and great harmony are the essence of his life aesthetic education. The final chapter combines Tao Xingzhi's life aesthetic education ideas with the development of modern aesthetic education, exploring the inspiration for current aesthetic education.

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