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 The Ecological Thinking in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road    


 科马克·麦卡锡 ; 《路》 ; 自然生态 ; 社会生态 ; 精神生态    


 Cormac McCarthy ; The Road ; natural ecology ; social ecology ; spiritual ecology    




As a renowned American novelist and dramatist, Cormac McCarthy is the recipient of the Faulkner Foundation’s Best New Writer Award and the Guggenheim Fellowship, and one of the top writers of contemporary American fiction. His novels have been well-received by readers and critics alike. The tenth book, The Road, was published in 2006 and won the Pulitzer Prize the following year. Upon its publication, the novel attracted widespread academic attention. It is a post-apocalyptic novel about a father and a son traveling in post-destruction America. The journey of the father and the son shows readers how nature and human life has changed since the end of time, reflecting the deterioration of the relationship between human and nature, the alienation of human relationships, and the collapse of the human spiritual world. As a form of literary criticism, ecocriticism has emerged in tandem with the growing problem of environmental destruction, exploring the relationship between literature and nature. With the increasing seriousness of environmental problems and the development of ecological theory, it is of practical significance to reinterpret this classic work from an ecocritical perspective and to adjust the relationship between human beings and nature. Through detailed textual analysis, this thesis aims to reveal thought-provoking ecological ideas to arouse the awareness of human responsibility and rebuild the harmonious and unified relationship between human beings and nature. 

Drawing on the ecological holism of Holmes Rolston III and the ecological trichotomy of Lu Shuyuan, the thesis explores McCarthy’s The Road in the following three aspects: The first aspect elaborates on the ecological implications of nature. By describing the poor landscape, the lack of materials, and the relationship between man and nature as presented by the extinction of animals, McCarthy’s ecological thinking is reflected, provoking the reader to think about the natural environment in reality. The second aspect illustrates the social ecology, exploring McCarthy’s concern for the social-ecological crisis through the alienated relationship between humans, and pointing out the connection between the natural-ecological crisis and the social-ecological crisis. The kindness of the boy to strangers shows the harmonious interpersonal relationships that the author envisages as a way of awakening people to the social-ecological crisis. The third aspect examines the spiritual crisis. Through the collapse of the mother’s spirit, the torture of the father’s spirit by the desolation, and the kindness of the son, the spiritual ecology of human beings is demonstrated, calling the reader’s attention to the spiritual-ecological harmony, and promoting the reconstruction of the natural and social ecology.

Based on the above three aspects of analysis, the thesis proposes an initiative to promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, man and man, and man and self, calling for the pursuit of ecological equality and coexistence as a whole, in the hope of further arousing the environmental awareness of human beings and enlightening human beings to rebuild their relationship with nature, society and themselves to maintain their sustainable development.

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