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 管理学 - 工商管理* - 工商管理    
























 Research on Improving Performance Assessment of Market Expansion Personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company    


 市场拓展人员 ; 绩效考核 ; 目标管理法 ; KPI    


 Market development personnel ; Performance appraisal ; Management by objectives ; KPI    









In recent years, foreign certification agencies have opened a large number of branches in China, while domestic private certification agencies have relaxed their access. Against this backdrop, traditional certification agencies in China are facing an increasingly fierce competitive environment; At the same time, the new era, new technologies, and new formats have put forward high requirements for the development of certification agencies; Finally, the expansion of the organization itself will also make the originally effective management methods no longer suitable, and changes are necessary. As one of the core competitiveness of an enterprise, the management level, expansion ability, and growth attributes of the market expansion team directly affect the survival and development status of the enterprise. In continuously adapting to the external competitive environment and conducting self innovation, the scientific and appropriate performance evaluation of the market expansion team is one of the powerful guarantees.

This paper adopts the relevant theories of performance evaluation, and uses a series of research methods such as literature research, field investigation, and quantitative analysis to study the actual performance evaluation of market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company. It summarizes the main problems and causes of the current situation, and finally proposes improvement measures for the performance evaluation of market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company, making the implementation stage and guarantee measures of the improvement clearer. At present, the performance evaluation of the market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company has a basic evaluation process, which clarifies the performance evaluation cycle, subjects, and indicators. The evaluation results can be feedback and applied. However, it can also be seen that there are still the following problems in the performance evaluation of the market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company, including single performance evaluation indicators, unscientific performance evaluation methods, insufficient guidance of performance evaluation on employee behavior, unclear elimination mechanism for performance evaluation, and limited application of performance evaluation results. This article analyzes from the following aspects, including the untimely adjustment of business development changes, insufficient response to rapid expansion, outdated management concepts and insufficient level, and the lack of comprehensive and systematic analysis and judgment. It proposes improvement measures for the performance evaluation of market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company: setting multiple assessment indicators, setting up work quality evaluation mechanisms, implementing quality point assessment methods, and setting up elimination mechanisms, Implement a bottom management system, diversify assessment subjects, strengthen the application of assessment results, and optimize the assessment process. Finally, the process and stages of implementing the improvement plan were clarified, and a guarantee mechanism was provided from personnel, mechanisms, culture, and other aspects.

The paper studies the improvement of performance evaluation for market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company. On the one hand, it has played a motivating role in mobilizing the enthusiasm of market expansion personnel of Guangzhou C Certification Company, and on the other hand, it has reference value for the performance evaluation of market expansion personnel of similar companies that carry out third-party certification and recognition.

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