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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义中国化研究    






















 Study on Xi Jinping's Important Discourse on Science and Technology Innovation and the Value of the Times    


 习近平 ; 科技创新 ; 重要论述 ; 时代价值    


 Xi Jinping ; science and technology innovation ; ; Important Discourses ; ; Contemporary Values    










Since the beginning of the new century, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change has emerged, and China is faced with a major opportunity to promote the development of science and technology innovation. Since the 18th Party Congress, Xi Jinping, on the basis of inheriting and developing the Marxist theory of science and technology innovation, has pointed out that innovation should be placed in an important position in national development, and has made a series of statements around science and technology innovation from the long-term perspective and strategic height of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through literature analysis and normative analysis, this paper compares the logic, main contents and contemporary values of Xi Jinping's important discourses on science and technology innovation, grasps the development of Xi Jinping's important discourses on science and technology innovation, explores its practical path and unearths its value and significance, with a view to providing theoretical reference for academics to strengthen their research on Xi Jinping's important discourses on science and technology innovation. At the same time, in the context of the current great development of China's science and technology innovation career, it is hoped that the study of this paper will provide a reference for decision making to accelerate the promotion of the strategy of science and technology innovation-driven development and the realization of science and technology self-reliance and self-improvement. This thesis is divided into the following parts.


The first chapter is the introduction. It mainly introduces some basic issues such as the research background, research significance, literature review, research ideas, research content, research methods and innovations of this selected topic.


The second chapter is the logic of the generation of Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation. The theoretical and practical sources of the formation of Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation are introduced. Firstly, this chapter sorts out the relevant theories of classical Marxist writers and the Chinese Communists on science and technology innovation and takes them as the theoretical sources for the formation of Xi Jinping's important discourses on science and technology innovation. Secondly, the current situation of the development of the new round of scientific and technological revolution in the world and the development of scientific and technological innovation since the founding of New China are taken as the practical sources for the formation of Xi Jinping's important discourses on scientific and technological innovation.


Chapter 3 is the main contents of Xi Jinping's important discourses on science and technology innovation. It composes the theory of purpose, motivation, guarantee and cooperation of Xi Jinping's important discourses on science and technology innovation for argument. The theory of the purpose of science and technology innovation is mainly discussed from four levels: establishing the concept of science and technology for the people, using science and technology to protect people's health, strengthening the construction of the Internet, and promoting scientific research results for the people. The theory of the driving force of science and technology innovation is discussed at three levels: the "asymmetric" catch-up strategy, the "innovation-driven development strategy", and the promotion of comprehensive innovation with science and technology innovation as the core. The theory of guaranteeing science and technology innovation is discussed at four levels: promoting coordinated reform of science and technology and economic systems, strengthening the construction of science and technology innovation system, improving the basic system of science and technology innovation, and improving the management system of intellectual property rights. The theory of cooperation in science and technology innovation is discussed at three levels: strengthening cooperation in the digital economy, strengthening cooperation among scientists, and strengthening international and regional cooperation in science and technology.


Chapter 4 is the distinctive features of Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation. It mainly focuses on the systematic, scientific, practical, popular and open nature of Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation, and analyses the Marxist theory embedded in Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation in terms of the materialist relationship between matter and movement, the universality of development, the relationship between practice and knowledge, and the historical role of the people.


Chapter 5 is the contemporary value of Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation. It mainly introduces Xi's important discourse on science and technology innovation, which enriches socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics, develops the Marxist theory of science and technology innovation, provides fundamental guidelines for achieving scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement in the new development stage, and offers Chinese solutions for scientific and technological innovation in developing countries.


Chapter 6 is the conclusion and outlook of the study. Xi Jinping's important discourse on science and technology innovation has an important logic, theoretical connotation, distinctive features and contemporary value, and is a guide for promoting reform in other fields in China.


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