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 Research on the influence of parents' sports attitude and social support on Xi'an City junior middle school students' participation in extracurricular physical exercise    


 父母体育态度 ; 社会支持 ; 初中生 ; 校外体育锻炼    


  Parents' sports attitudes ; social support ; junior high school students ; physical exercise outside school    










The improvement of national quality should start with children, but in recent years, because the physical health of junior high school students in our country has been declining year by year, and the physical exercise of students is seriously insufficient, it is obvious that increasing the time of physical exercise has become an inevitable trend; physical exercise of students can be divided into two types: on-campus and off-campus. In this way, the existing literature mostly studies on-campus physical exercise in classrooms; however, after the national implementation of the "double reduction" policy, there are actually more activities for off-campus physical exercise. Off-campus physical exercise can not only allow students to exercise in happiness and improve their physical quality, but also relieve the pressure brought by learning, enrich their extra-curricular life outside of school, and play a positive role in promoting family harmony to a certain extent.


Parents, as important guardians of junior high school students, their family members' sports attitude and sense of participation in sports have a lot of influence on junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise. Parents not only continue the sports attitude as a kind of original family life habit, but more importantly, the parents' sports attitude will directly affect the children's sports awareness and sports habits. Junior high school students are in the period of rapid growth and development. Under the family education, they are fascinated by their parents' sports attitude. It is of great significance for lifelong sports to develop good exercise habits and correct sports attitude at this stage.


As an important factor affecting the growth of junior high school students, social support provides an environment for junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise in terms of material, and affects junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise and sense of participation in spiritual publicity. There is a lack of in-depth comparative research in this aspect of physical exercise. The author explores the influencing factors and promotion mechanism of physical exercise for junior high school students from the five dimensions of social support, and puts forward relevant suggestions for promoting junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise. Therefore, this study examines the effects of parents' sports attitudes and social support on the out-of-school exercise status of urban junior high school students.


In this study, the methods of literature, mathematical statistics, and questionnaires were used to study the influence of parents' sports attitudes and social support of junior high school students in Xi'an on the participation of junior high school students in out-of-school physical exercise. Measures of motivation for physical activity outside of school. This measure has certain theoretical guiding significance for cultivating junior high school students' interest in sports, improving their physical quality, and better exerting their parents' sports attitude and the positive role of social support. The conclusions of this study are as follows:


1. Social support has a positive impact on urban junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise. The higher the level of family support, the richer the support of teachers, the higher the level of support from classmates and friends, the greater the intensity of off-campus physical exercise for urban junior high school students, the more support the junior high school receives from the community or media information in life, the more urban junior high school students get off-campus. The greater the participation in physical exercise; the more instrumental support needed to obtain sports competitions, the greater the intensity of out-of-school physical exercise for urban junior high school students.


2. Parents' sports attitude has a positive impact on urban junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise. The more active the parents' own sports attitude, the more love for sports activities, the more frequent the junior high school students' participation in off-campus physical exercise.


3. Parental sports attitudes have a partial mediating role in the influence of social support on junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise. Social support will improve parents' awareness of national fitness through the influence on their own sports attitudes, thereby further influencing junior high school students' off-campus physical exercise behavior. Physically, it further affects the intensity of extra-school physical exercise for junior high school students.

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