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 交际翻译理论指导下科技文本中定语从句汉译实践报告——以Democratizing AI in Biomedical Image Classification Using Virtual Reality为例    












 文学 - 翻译 - 英语笔译    
























 A Report on E-C Translation of Attributive Clauses in the Technical Texts from the Perspective of Communicative Translation ― Taking Democratizing AI in Biomedical Image Classification Using Virtual Reality as an Example    


 交际翻译理论 ; 定语从句 ; 翻译方法    


 communicative translation theory ; attributive clause ; translation methods    


本翻译实践报告所选的源文本是2021年6月刊登在Springer Nature的文章Democratizing AI in Biomedical Image Classification Using Virtual Reality,主要介绍了人工智能如何运用到医学影像领域的模型设计。目前,医学影像是人工智能在医学领域应用发展最快的分支。然而,能够大规模指导临床应用的理论数据和论文研究所占比例相对较少。通过此次翻译实践,译者希望能为从事相关领域研究的学者和学生提供有益参考,促进交叉领域研究的科研合作。





The selected source text of this report is the article entitled Democratizing AI in Biomedical Image Classification Using Virtual Reality published in Springer Nature in June 2021, which mainly introduces the model design of applying AI to the field of biomedical imaging. Nowadays, AI medical imaging is the fastest developing trend in the biomedical field. However, there are relatively few theoretical data and research papers that can guide clinical applications on a large scale. Therefore, the translator hopes that this translation practice can provide a scientific reference for scholars and students engaged in this field and promote cooperation of interdisciplinary research areas.

In translation practice, the source text is of scientific style with strong logic and complex syntactic structures. The extensive use of attributive clauses poses greater challenges for understanding and translation. Based on those translation challenges, the translator discusses and analyzes the translation methods of attributive clauses in the source text under the guidance of Peter Newmark’s communicative translation theory. This theory focuses on the target readers and the target language. On the premise of accurately conveying the original information, the translator can adjust the sentence structure appropriately to make the translation more clear and smooth.

This report mainly adopts the case study method and summarizes the typical cases of restrictive relative clauses and non-restrictive relative clauses in the source text during translation practice. The case study shows that attributive clauses with short structure and restrictive effect on the antecedent can be translated into prepositive attributives. Attributive clauses that explain, describe, or explain the antecedent or the main clause can be translated into coordinate sentences. For some attributive clauses that highlight the key points of the sentence, the translator can reorganize the sentence structure and integrate them with the main clause. In addition, the attributive clauses can also be translated into the corresponding adverbial clauses based on the logical relationship hidden in the sentence, such as cause, result, purpose, concession and so on.

In conclusion, the translator finds that Newmark’s communicative translation theory can guide the translation practice of scientific and technological texts, and the translation methods such as translating the attributive clauses into prepositive attributives, coordinate clauses and adverbial clauses are of practical value to the translation of attributive clauses in such texts, which can effectively improve discourse quality of the target text.

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