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 A Study on the Influence of the Degree of School Support on College Participation in the Second Classroom——A Case Study of Xidian University    


 学校支持度 ; 第二课堂参与度 ; 影响    


 the degree of school support ; participation in the second classroom ; influence    







At the National Education Conference held in October 2018, Xi Jinping brought forward, "Education is the grand plan of the country and the party. Taking the training of socialist builders and successors must be the fundamental task for education. "How to train people is a project of vital and lasting importance which is more about national rejuvenation and social progress. As an important place for the cultivation of talents, colleges and universities should carry the banner to foster virtue through education in the new era, and actively explore the road of education reform that truly conforms to the laws of education and promotes the all-round development of students. For a long time, colleges and universities regard the construction of the first classroom as the only way to promote students' professional knowledge learning, while ignoring the special value of the second classroom in the education system. But with the further advancement of quality education and the change in the demand for social talents inevitably brought about by the new industrial revolution, the construction of the traditional first classroom has been unable to meet the development needs of society, market and students. Tsinghua University, University of International Business and Economics, Peking University and other universities have shifted the focus of education and teaching reform to the second classroom, hoping to play the role of the second classroom in stimulating college students' innovative consciousness, developing potential abilities, and shaping well.

However, in the process of promoting the construction of the second classroom in universities, there are still various problems. Among them, the common problem with high frequency is the phenomenon of "non-participation". Take Xidian University as an example to illustrate this problem. As a university that always persists in improving quality and connotative development as its direction, and aims at comprehensively improving the quality of personnel training, Xidian University attaches importance to the important role of the second classroom, and through policy support actively promotes its development and so on. However, in the process of promoting the construction of the second classroom, the school has found the problem of "non-participation" in which the students' participation in the second class is not high. Therefore, how to improve students' participation in the second classroom and further promote the construction of the second classroom has become an urgent problem for some universities, such as Xidian University.

Generally speaking, the surroundings has an important influence on the individual's psychology and behavior. For college students, school support for second class will have a certain impact on students' learning behavior and psychology. This thesis tries to find out the existing problems of the two through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of the second class participation and the degree of school support. Through the regression analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaire, the impact of the degree of school support on the participation in the second classroom is discussed, and practical suggestions are provided for the construction of the second classroom, with a view to providing beneficial support for the talent cultivation of Xidian University.

This study takes Xidian as an example to study the second class participation in colleges and universities in China. The following conclusions are reached: for the construction of the second classroom, Xidian University has higher school support, but they are significantly different in different dimensions; The overall situation of second classroom participation is better, but behavioral participation and emotional and cognitive participation are relatively alienated. The degree of school support has a significant and positive impact on college students' second classroom participation. The degree of school support influences the degree of behavioral participation, cognitive participation and emotional participation in different degree. Based on the above research, this thesis puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for improving the participation of college or university students in the second classroom: Firstly, change the concept and realize the effective linkage between the first classroom and the second classroom. Secondly, take the student as the basis and reshape the concept of student participation. Thirdly, plan as a whole to form the talent training situation of the first classroom and the second classroom. Fourthly, build muti-dimensional school support to improve students' participation in the second classroom with practical actions.

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