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 理学 - 物理学 - 光学    






















 Analysis of Light Scattering Characteristics ofDebris and Development of Simulation Software    


 软件开发 ; Qt ; 数据库空间碎片 ; 光散射    


 Space Debris ; Light Scattering ; Software Development ; Ot ; Database    



1.本文首先介绍了离散偶极子近似方法(Discrete Dipole Approximation,DDA)和蒙特卡罗模拟方法(Monte Carlo method),讨论了离散偶极子近似中的计算精度问题,完成了对于单个碎片的散射特性计算,然后介绍了蒙特卡罗模拟光子运动的计算流程,得到了光子在碎片群中的透射概率和反射概率,最后对Mie理论进行了推导,作为对照计算验证算法的可靠性。


3.借鉴大数据的思想,为计算软件搭配了数据库管理系统,实现了对计算结果的保存和随时调用,确保了数据的安全性和准确性。对于数据库的底层逻辑进行了解释,然后结合计算参数和计算结果完成了数据库的结构设计,通过SQL(Structured Query Language)语言完成了数据库的编写工作,并结合向量空间模型和数据库内已有数据,实现了对计算结果的模糊匹配,可以通过导入结果反推初始计算条件。



With the development of space technology, there are more and more spacecraft in space, and the problem of debris is becoming increasingly prominent. Space debris flying at high speed will pose a great threat to in-service satellites and space stations. Therefore, this paper studies the observation of space debris from the light scattering characteristics of debris, and develops a light scattering simulation software and establishes a matching database management system for this problem.


1.This paper introduces the discrete dipole approximation ( DDA ) and Monte Carlo method, discusses the calculation accuracy of discrete dipole approximation, completes the calculation of scattering characteristics of single debris particles, then introduces the calculation process of Monte Carlo simulation of photon motion, and obtains the transmission probability and reflection probability of photons in the debris group.


2. The Qt development framework is selected for software development, and a complete software system architecture is made for the calculation function, data storage function and interaction function. The modular design is used to realize the calculation function of the software from the file operation module and the thread operation module respectively. The database module realizes the data storage function, and the graphical interface module realizes the human-computer interaction function, and completes the overall design and implementation of the simulation software calculation process.


3. Drawing on the idea of big data, the database management system is used for the calculation software, which realizes the preservation and call of the calculation results at any time, and ensures the safety and accuracy of the data. The underlying logic of the database is explained, and then the structural design of the database is completed by combining the calculation parameters and the calculation results. The database is written by SQL ( Structured Query Language ) language. Combined with the vector space model and the existing data in the database, the fuzzy matching of the calculation results is realized, and the initial calculation conditions can be deduced by importing the results.


4. The influence of incident wave wavelength and fragment material ( refractive index ) on scattering characteristics is analyzed by software, and then the density, shape and size distribution of fragment group are calculated respectively, and the influence of fragment group composed of spherical fragment, hexagonal prism fragment, bullet fragment and bullet flower ring fragment on the transmission characteristics of incident light in infrared band is studied.

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