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 哲学 - 哲学 - 科学技术哲学    






















 Vertical spatial metaphor of college students' value concept and its influencing factors    


 垂直空间隐喻 ; 价值观 ; 空间隐喻 ; 影响因素    


 vertical spatial metaphor ; values ; spatial metaphor ; influencing factors    










Concept is the basic unit of human thinking. Conceptual metaphor theory believes that metaphor plays an important role in the process of forming and understanding concepts. Previous studies have shown that the processing of abstract concepts is related to the physical experience of individuals in the metaphorical process. Spatial orientation, as the most direct physical experience of human beings, is deeply involved in the understanding of abstract concepts. However, as a special kind of abstract concept, the metaphorical mechanism of values concepts (such as "civilization", "prosperity") is not clear. At the same time, based on propositional sign theory and perceptual sign theory, the hypothesis of symbol coexistence proposes that the process of human conceptual cognition will be affected by embodied factors and linguistic factors, and in this process, there are differences between human beings as cognitive subjects.


Therefore, from the perspective of spatial metaphor, this study explores the metaphorical mechanism of abstract concepts such as values through four experiments, and examines the vertical spatial metaphorical characteristics of different emotional valence value words. Meanwhile, On this basis, it explores whether the vertical spatial metaphor of values concept is affected by linguistic factors (semantic relation), embodied factors (spatial location) and individual differences (different processing styles).


In experiment 1, participants were asked to judge positive and negative value words displayed above or below the screen. The results showed that the concept of values had the characteristics of spatial metaphor, which showed that when positive words were presented in the upper part of the space, the participants' response to word pleasure was faster, and similar processing advantages also appeared in the negative words located in the lower part of the space.


Experiment 2 explores how embodied experience affects the semantic understanding of value words by using the vertical stroop paradigm, which requires the judgment of hand up or down on the color of words. The results showed that the speed of positive words was significantly faster than that of negative words. Negative words were faster in the downward motion of the hand;

In experiment 3, the spatial location judgment task was used to judge whether the meaning of value words is consistent with the position in which they appear, and to explore how semantic relations affect the spatial metaphor characteristics of value words. The results showed that in the semantically independent word pairs, the participants had a longer response time to the spatial position judgment of the word pairs.


In experiment 4, the Chinese version of the processing style scale was revised, and the subjects in Experiment 2 and experiment 3 were divided into the visual group and the language group respectively. The results of relevant data showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in the embodied experiment, while the language group was significantly more influenced by semantic relations than the visual group in the language experiment.


In general, this study proves that the concept of values is similar to the concept of morality and emotion, which have obvious psychological realism of spatial metaphor. At the same time, it is affected by embodied factors and linguistic factors, and to some extent, it is affected by individual differences. This conclusion supports the conceptual metaphor theory, expands the research scope of spatial metaphor, and promotes people's understanding of the metaphorical mechanism of different abstract concepts.

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