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 工学 - 控制科学与工程 - 检测技术与自动化装置    






















 Research on Dynamic Formation and Path Planning of UAVs with Reinforcement Learning    


 动态环境 ; 强化学习 ; 奖励函数 ; 无人机 ; 动态编队 ; 路径规划    


 dynamic environment ; reinforcement learning ; reward function ; UAV ; dynamic formation ; path planning    



1. 针对未知动态环境下单台无人机路径规划问题,本文提出了一种基于TD3-IADRF算法的无人机智能决策方案。首先针对无障碍物环境,设计了无人机结束本回合训练的稀疏性奖励函数和加快算法收敛的引导性奖励函数。然后深入分析复合障碍物环境下无人机的避障需求,对无人机、障碍物、目的地的相对位置关系进行分类讨论,分析出无人机的最佳飞行角,在此基础上对飞行角奖励函数进行改进;同时基于无人机由于避障可能短暂远离目的地这一特性,对距离目的地奖励函数进行改进,在此基础上提出了TD3-IADRF算法。最后设计了对比实验,在复合障碍物环境中,本文所提出的改进奖励函数能将算法成功率提升25.7%,将收敛后的奖励平均值提升78.2%。

2. 针对未知动态环境下无人机编队路径规划问题,本文提出了一种基于MATD3-IDFRF算法的无人机编队智能决策方案。首先针对无障碍物环境,拓展了稀疏性奖励函数。然后深入分析无人机编队路径规划中重点关注的动态编队问题,其描述为无人机编队以稳定的编队结构进行飞行,并适时地根据周围环境微调队形。分析其本质即是每两台无人机的间距保持相对稳定,同时也受外界环境而微调。为此设计了基于每两台无人机之间最佳间距和当前间距的奖励函数,在此基础上提出动态编队奖励函数,并结合MATD3算法提出了MATD3-IDFRF算法。最后设计对比实验,在复合障碍物环境中,本文的动态编队奖励函数能将算法成功率提升6.8%,将收敛后的奖励平均值提升2.3%,将编队变形率降低97%。


Since the 21st century, the application scenarios of UAVs have gradually expanded, and it is difficult for a single UAV to meet the increasingly complex mission requirements. Scholars have turned their attention to UAV formations, where multiple UAVs have the unique advantage of being able to achieve complementary functions and superimposed capabilities. Whether it is a single UAV or a UAV formation, path planning is an important research direction. Single UAV path planning focuses on the safety and efficiency of the path, while the path planning of UAV formation also needs to focus on the control of the formation. Traditional path planning methods and formation control methods are unable to respond to unexpected threats in an unknown environment in a timely manner, and it is difficult to satisfy both formation structure stability and formation adjustment autonomy. Reinforcement learning is particularly good at the decision making problem of intelligences, which does not depend on the a priori environment and is able to respond to emergent threats in dynamic environments. The reward function of reinforcement learning is crucial to improve the convergence speed and robustness of the algorithm. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study on the UAV path planning problem in various scenarios, and design and improve the reward functions suitable for different scenarios, aiming to improve the intelligent decision making and cooperative control capability of UAVs, with the following main contributions:


1. For the single UAV path planning problem in unknown dynamic environment, this paper proposes an intelligent UAV decision scheme based on TD3-IADRF algorithm. Firstly, for the obstacle-free environment, a sparse reward function for the UAV to end the current round of training and a bootstrap reward function to accelerate the convergence of the algorithm are designed. Then, we deeply analyze the obstacle avoidance demand of UAV in compound obstacle environment, classify and discuss the relative position relationship of UAV, obstacle and destination, analyze the optimal flight angle of UAV, and improve the flight angle reward function on this basis; meanwhile, based on the characteristic that UAV may move away from the destination for a short time due to obstacle avoidance, we improve the distance to destination reward function, and on this basis, we propose the TD3-IADRF algorithm. Finally, a comparison experiment is designed, and the improved reward function proposed in this paper can improve the success rate of the algorithm by 25.7% and improve the converged reward average by 78.2% in the compound obstacle environment.


2. For the UAV formation path planning problem in unknown dynamic environment, this paper proposes an intelligent decision scheme for UAV formation based on MATD3-IDFRF algorithm. Firstly, the sparsity reward function is extended for the obstacle-free environment. Then the dynamic formation problem, which is the focus of attention in UAV formation path planning, is analyzed in depth. It is described as a UAV formation flying in a stable formation structure and fine-tuning the formation in time according to the surrounding environment. The essence of the analysis is that the spacing between each two UAVs remains relatively stable, while it is also fine-tuned by the external environment. To this end, a reward function based on the optimal spacing between each two UAVs and the current spacing is designed, based on which the dynamic formation reward function is proposed, and based on which the MATD3-IDFRF algorithm is proposed. Finally, comparison experiments are designed, and the dynamic formation reward function in this paper can improve the algorithm success rate by 6.8%, improve the converged reward average by 2.3%, and reduce the formation deformation rate by 97% in the composite obstacle environment.

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