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 Research on the Impact of Digital Economy on Green Development    


 数字经济 ; 绿色发展 ; 固定效应模型 ; 门槛模型 ; 区域异质性    


 Digital economy ; Green development ; Fixed effect model ; Threshold model ; Regional heterogeneity    







Green development is currently a complex subject facing countries and regions in the world, but also the new requirements of high-quality economic development in our country in the new era. Five integrated overall layout and five development concepts all intersections with green development, our country enters a new stage of development. Planning measures to reduce pollution and carbon and strengthening high-level protection of the ecological environment will lay a good foundation for embarking on a new journey of socialist modernization in all respects. It is a crucial period for promoting comprehensive green transformation of the economy and society and achieving qualitative change in the quality of the ecological environment. At the same time, with the emergence of new technologies such as the Internet, big data and artificial intelligence, the digital economy has been developing rapidly, which has had a profound impact on the economy and society. Digital economy and green transformation will become the two pillars to promote economic recovery in the post-pandemic era. Therefore, the use of digital technology will become a new driving force to promote green development. Digital economy, as a new economic form, how to use it to enable green development and how to promote the effect of green development have become practical problems requiring in-depth study at the present stage.

On the basis of existing research, this paper focuses on the core topic of the impact of digital economy on green development. First of all, it summarized and sorted out the relevant literature on digital economy and green development at home and abroad, defined the concepts related to digital economy and green development, and systematically expounded the theoretical basis and influence mechanism, which laid the foundation for subsequent research. Secondly, it describes the status quo of digital economy development and green development respectively, then comprehensively constructs an indicator system, uses entropy weight method to measure the development level of the two, and analyzes the change trend, growth rate and regional gap. Finally, the fixed effect model, impact mechanism test model and threshold model are used to empirically explore three questions: "whether digital economy can promote green development", "impact mechanism of digital economy on green development" and "threshold effect of digital economy on green development", so as to more comprehensively analyze and verify the impact of digital economy on green development.

The main research conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) The development level of China's digital economy shows an increasing trend year by year, in which the contribution of digital industry is the largest, the regional development shows a trend of high in the east and low in the west, and the growth rate is in the central, western, eastern and northeastern regions from high to low. (2) The level of green development in China basically maintains a trend of growth year by year, and the regional development level is successively from high to low in the east, central, west and northeast, and the growth speed and gap are also different. (3) Digital economy can significantly promote green development, and passed the robustness test, and the promotion effect has regional heterogeneity, and the promotion effect is stronger in the central region, followed by the western region and the eastern region, and the northeast region is not significant. (4) The digital economy can further enhance the level of green development through two mechanisms of promoting technological innovation and upgrading industrial structure, and has passed the test of impact mechanism. (5) The digital economy has a nonlinear threshold effect of technological innovation and industrial structure upgrading on green development, and the threshold effect between the two is heterogeneous in different regions.

Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions on the efficient development of digital economy to promote green development from the aspects of strengthening and improving the infrastructure construction of digital economy, enhancing the comprehensive strength of digital economy, strengthening technological innovation, and promoting the deep integration of "digital economy + industrial structure adjustment" according to local conditions.

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