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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义中国化研究    






















 Theoretical and Practical Research on Ecological Security Governance in China in the New Era    


 新时代 ; 生态安全 ; 国家安全 ; 生态文明    


 New Era ; Ecological security ; National Security Ecological Civilization    






       最后,分析了中国生态安全治理理论和实践探索的意义。中国关于生态安全治理 的理论拓展了马克思主义生态观和国家总体安全观理论,丰富了生态安全研究的理论谱系;中国关于生态安全治理的实践有力维护了中国的生态安全和国家总体安全,贡献了全球生态安全治理的中国方案。



Ecological security is a fundamental link in the construction of ecological civilization and a long-term plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. It is crucial for the development of the country and the future of the nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC has coordinated national political security, economic security and ecological security, constantly strengthened ecological security governance and protection from the perspective of the overall security concept, and made a series of achievements in theory and practice. The theory of ecological security governance is constantly maturing, the system of ecological security governance is constantly improving, and the pattern of ecological security governance is gradually forming. The theory and practice of ecological security governance with Chinese characteristics are increasingly being paid attention to by the international community.

Focusing on the exploration process of ecological security governance in the new era in China, adhering to the combination of theory and practice, qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, and following the basic framework of "background content significance", this article summarizes China's basic ideas and perspectives on ecological security, summarizes China's governance practice and experience in ecological security, and explains the contemporary significance of China's theoretical and practical exploration of ecological security. Specifically,

Firstly, the concept of ecological security was defined, concepts related to ecological security were analyzed, and the sources of China's ecological security theory were analyzed. It is clearly put forward that the theory of ecological security in China in the new era inherits the ecological view of Marxism, absorbs the ecological wisdom in excellent traditional culture, and summarizes the experience of the CPC in coordinating the relationship between human and nature, economic development and ecological protection. With the continuous development of practice, it reflects the distinctive Chinese characteristics.

Secondly, the Chinese theory of ecological security was elaborated. This article analyzes the Chinese theory of ecological security from five dimensions: political security, value orientation, strategic positioning, thinking methods, and global perspective. It points out that the leadership of the Party is the greatest advantage of China's ecological security construction; The basic value orientation of ecological security governance is people-centered; Ecological security is the foundation of overall national security; Ecological security governance should adhere to the bottom line and pursue a high-level bottom line thinking; Advocate for global ecological security co construction and sharing. China's thinking and theory on ecological security not only reflects the general nature of ecological security governance, but also reflects the unique theoretical creation of ecological security governance.

Once again, it summarizes the practice of ecological security in China. With the proposal and deepening of ecological civilization and ecological security concepts, ecological security governance, as an important component of national governance, is increasingly being valued. Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese people are rooted in the realities of the country, and the practice of ecological governance is constantly deepened. Specifically, the measures taken include establishing an ecological responsibility system with the CPC as the core leadership, improving the coordinated governance mechanism in key areas, building a systematic and complete ecological security system, building a multi-dimensional and comprehensive ecological security governance pattern, and creating an international cooperation model of ecological security for exchange and mutual learning. Through the implementation of diversified and comprehensive measures, China has made significant achievements in ecological security governance and effectively defended national security.

Finally, the contemporary significance of China's ecological security theory and practical exploration was analyzed. China's theory on ecological security governance has expanded the Marxist ecological concept and the overall national security theory, enriching the theoretical spectrum of ecological security research; China's practice of ecological security governance has effectively maintained China's ecological security and overall national security, contributing to the China plan for global ecological security governance.

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