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 军事学 - 军队指挥学 - 密码学    






















 Machine Learning Research in Privacy Preserving Application Scenarios    


 神经网络 ; 隐私保护 ; 激活函数 ; 安全神经网络推理    


 Neural Networks ; Privacy Protection ; Activation Function ; Secure Neural Network Inference    


机器学习、物联网和云计算的进步极大地推动了无数下游应用的稳步繁荣,这使 得各种新的应用可以通过分析和处理私人数据从而为用户提供定制的服务。然而,这 些私人数据往往包含不希望被泄露的敏感信息,但是被外部应用处理的过程会让用 户丧失对私有数据的控制,从而造成隐私泄露的问题。近年来,许多国家和地区关注 数据隐私保护工作,但这也一定程度上影响了数据的可用性。因此,如何在保护数据 隐私的同时,发挥数据的效用成为亟待解决的问题。 本文致力于保证数据隐私的同时发挥数据的效用,面向神经网络的推理阶段展 开研究,主要研究内容和创新点总结如下:

1. 通过实例分析,我们发现激活函数是神经网络推理密文的效率瓶颈。因此,通 过分析激活函数的发挥作用的机制,设计了适用于密文推理的神经网络架构 SieveNet。在这项工作中,正向传播中的激活函数被等效为一组自适应参数,并 提出 Sieve Layer 作为替代方案。在 Sieve Layer 的帮助下,SieveNet 实现了神经 网络中非线性计算过程与其他线性组件的解耦。在此基础上,结合加性秘密共 享和对抗训练,提出了一种基于 SieveNet 的安全神经网络推理框架。评估结果表明,该框架的推理速度与以往的工作相比具有优势。

2. 研究了安全神经网络推理场景中激活函数所带来的高延迟问题。通过比较主流 激活函数和多项式激活函数,本文提出一个新的观点,即激活函数为模型引入 了一种归纳偏置。而 ReLU 等主流的激活函数成功的原因是其引入的归纳偏置 是面向余弦相似度的。本文提出了一种新的激活函数 S-cos,它可以在推理阶段 重新参数化为一个线性层,这对于安全神经网络推理是友好的。接下来,通过 分析深层特征相对于浅层特征的优势,并提出了一种随机特征提取模块,用于 监督具有单激活层的模型学习多尺度特征。最后,基于 S-cos 设计了一个称为 超线性神经网络 (B-LNN) 的模型,并将其与算术秘密共享 (A-SS) 相结合,提出 了一个安全推理框架。

3. 提出了一个保护与目标任务无关信息的安全推理框架。机器学习即服务的范式 处理预测请求会导致用户公开与任务无关的敏感信息。这是因为用户上传的数 据包含一部分信息,这部分信息无助于目标任务,但会暴露用户敏感信息。一 种直观的方法是过滤掉与任务无关的信息,以保护数据隐私。这种做法对于具 有自然独立条目的结构化数据来说,这是可行的,但对于非结构化数据来说是 一个挑战。为此,本文提出了一个部分保护隐私的框架,目的是为非结构化数据学习一个匿名转换,只保留与目标任务相关的属性。具体来说,本文引入了 解纠缠表征学习来将非结构化数据表达到隐空间,并设计了一个任务适应模型 来标记目标任务所需的信息。


Advances in machine learning, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing have greatly promoted the steady prosperity of countless downstream applications, which enables various new applications to provide users with customized services by analyzing and processing private data. However, these private data often contain sensitive information that is not expected to be disclosed, but the process of being processed by external applications will cause users to lose control of private data, thus causing the problem of privacy leakage. In recent years, many countries and regions have paid attention to data privacy protection, but this has also affected the availability of data to a certain extent. Therefore, how to make full use of data while protecting data privacy has become an urgent problem to be solved. This paper is committed to ensuring data privacy while giving full play to the utility of data, and conducts research on the inference stage of neural networks. The main research contents and innovations are summarized as follows:

1. Through case analysis, we found that the activation function is the efficiency bottleneck of neural network inferring ciphertext. Therefore, by analyzing the mechanism of the activation function, a neural network architecture SieveNet suitable for ciphertext inferring is designed. In this work, the activation function in forward propagation is equivalent to a set of adaptive parameters, and Sieve Layer is proposed as an alternative. With the help of Sieve Layer, SieveNet realizes the decoupling of nonlinear computing process and other linear components in neural network. On this basis, combined with additive secret sharing and adversarial training, a secure neural network inference framework based on SieveNet is proposed. The evaluation results show that the inference speed of the proposed framework is superior to previous work.

2. The problem of high latency introduced by activation functions in secure neural network inference scenarios is studied. By comparing the mainstream activation function and the polynomial activation function, this paper proposes a new point of view, that is, the activation function introduces an inductive bias to the model. The reason why mainstream activation functions such as ReLU are successful is that the inductive bias introduced by them is oriented to cosine similarity. This paper proposes a new activation function S-cos, which can be reparameterized as a linear layer in the inference stage, which is friendly for secure neural network inference. Next, by analyzing the advantages of deep features over shallow features, a random feature extraction module is proposed to supervise models with a single activation layer to learn multi-scale features. Finally, a model called Beyond Linear Neural Network (B-LNN) is designed based on S-cos and combined with Arithmetic Secret Sharing (A-SS), a secure inference framework is proposed.

3. A secure inference framework for protecting information irrelevant to the target task is proposed. The ML-as-a-service paradigm of processing prediction requests can result in users exposing sensitive information that is irrelevant to the task. This is because the data uploaded by users contains a part of information that is not helpful to the target task but exposes sensitive information of users. An intuitive approach is to  filter out task-irrelevant information to preserve data privacy. This approach works for  structured data with naturally independent entries, but is a challenge for unstructured  data. To this end, this paper proposes a partially privacy-preserving framework that  aims to learn an anonymous transformation for unstructured data that preserves only  attributes relevant to the target task. Specifically, this paper introduces disentangled  representation learning to represent unstructured data into the latent space, and designs a task adaptation model to label the information required for the target task.

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