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 管理学 - 工商管理* - 工商管理    
























 Study on the development strategy of X Chilean Company    


 智利 ; 公司发展战略 ; 战略分析工具    


 Chile ; Corporate Development Strategy ; Strategic Analysis Tools    










As the largest, most complete and strongest overseas business platform of full-voltage and full-series AC and DC electrical equipment manufacturer in the field of power transmission and distribution in China, Company X has developed from the initial import and export of equipment to become a general contractor of electric power engineering, with a deep penetration into the four major fields of power generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization, and its business has spread to more than 60 countries and regions all over the world. Taking the national "Going Global" and "One Belt, One Road" initiatives as an opportunity, Company X, in accordance with the company's development strategy and its own development needs, has refined its overseas markets, forming an overseas layout of Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas on the basis of each continent. However, in the face of the sudden impact of the epidemic and the threat to the overseas market caused by the current international relations, the company's business has been seriously hindered and hit, the company's overseas development strategy needs to be adjusted in accordance with the current market environment.


This article firstly introduces Company X and its current business profile in overseas markets by means of questionnaire survey and data review, and analyzes the lack of a clear development strategy for X Chile and the problems encountered in the company's development. In order to solve the current problems and dilemmas encountered, the article analyzes the internal and external environments of X Chile through the use of strategic analysis tools such as PEST analysis (external general environment), Porter's Five Forces model (external industry environment), VRIO model (internal core competitiveness), and EFE, IFE matrix (evaluation matrix of internal and external factors of the enterprise). The external environment was used to analyze opportunities and threats and identify what can be done; the internal environment was used to analyze its own capabilities, resources, and core competencies and identify what can be done. Subsequently, SWOT analysis (comprehensive internal environment) and QSPM quantitative strategic plan matrix were used to conduct further comprehensive analysis, select and formulate diversification strategy plan for the development of X Chile, and formulate two specific implementation paths of concentric diversification strategy and horizontal diversification strategy, suggesting that X Chile can give full play to its own advantages of the whole industrial chain, seize the current foreign investment opportunities and good We suggest that X Chile can give full play to its advantages in the whole industry chain, seize the current foreign investment opportunities and favorable investment conditions, diversify its products and business fields, find market opportunities, strive for project opportunities, give full play to its core competitiveness, and make the best use of its strengths.


Finally, based on the selected strategic plan for the diversified development of X Chile, the guarantee measures for the implementation of the development strategy of X Chile are proposed in the four aspects of "perfecting the management system of overseas markets, strengthening the localization of enterprises, establishing the cooperation mechanism between domestic and foreign enterprises, and diversifying the development of products and business fields". It aims to improve market competitiveness, quickly respond to changes in the international market and realize sustainable development of the company.


Keywords: Chile; Corporate Development Strategy; Strategic Analysis Tools

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