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 诺德功能加忠诚理论指导下非谓语动词的翻译实践报告 —— 以Big Data Meet Cyber-Physical Systems: A Panoramic Survey汉译为例    












 文学 - 翻译 - 英语笔译    






















 A Practice Report on E-C Translation of Non-Predicate Verbs Under the Guidance of Nord’s Function Plus Loyalty Theory ——Taking Big Data Meet Cyber-Physical Systems: A Panoramic Survey as an Example    


 功能加忠诚理论 ; 非谓语动词 ; 科技文本 ; 翻译技巧    


 Function plus Loyalty theory ; non-predicate verbs ; scientific and technical texts ; translation techniques    


本文为英译汉翻译实践报告,源文选自Big Data Meet Cyber-Physical Systems:A Panoramic Survey。该论文概述了CPS中数据收集、存储、访问、处理及分析等多个方面,讨论了针对CPS中大数据面临的挑战所提出的不同的解决方案。源文涉及目前科技领域热门和前沿的内容,有利于我国科技人员了解国外的科技研究成果,促进我国与其他国家在科技方面的交流。





This is a translation project report from English to Chinese, with the source text selected from a research paper, Big Data Meet Cyber-Physical Systems: A Panoramic Survey. The source text outlines various aspects of CPS including data collection, storage, access, processing, and analysis, and discusses different proposed solutions to challenges faced by big data in CPS. The content covered in the source text is currently topical and cutting-edge in the field of science and technology, which is beneficial for our scientific and technical personnel to understand the results of relevant research abroad and foster exchanges between China and other countries in the domain.

The source text of this translation practice is an English for Science and Technology (EST) text. It is characterized by objective and logical content with concise and accurate language. In the translation practice, the translator has found that there are a large number of non-predicate verbs in the source text. Non-finite verbs come in a variety of forms and grammatical functions. Failure to have a deep understanding and analysis of these words, target texts are prone to problems including expression incoherence, logical confusion, and so on. Therefore, this translation practice report aims to discuss and analyze translation techniques of non-predicate verbs in EST texts.

Function plus Loyalty theory gives priority to both function and loyalty, namely the intended function of the target text and the translator’s responsibility to all parties involved in the translation. Guided by the theory, this report examines the translation techniques of non-predicate verbs. Firstly, the reporter clarifies the sentence structure and identifies the composition and logical relationship of the non-finite verb in the sentence. Secondly, the translator adjusts the source text according to the expressions and habits of Chinese and adopts appropriate translation techniques to translate the source text into fluent and comprehensible Chinese. In this process, the reporter applies four translation techniques (conversion, inversion, division, and amplification). In doing so, it is conducive to solving the problems in the translation process and making the target text faithfully reflect the scientific and technical information and content of the source text and accepted by the target language readers. In addition, the translator selects a wealth of case examples for analysis and illustration, which helps to represent the guiding role of theory and the applicability of translation techniques more directly.

This report explores and analyzes the translation techniques of non-predicate verbs from the perspective of Function plus Loyalty, aiming to provide available thought and reference for translation techniques of non-predicate verbs in EST texts in the future. In addition, since the source text of this report overviews knowledge of big data and CPS, the reporter hopes that its target text will provide reference material for domestic scientific and technical workers.

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