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 军事学 - 军队指挥学 - 密码学    






















 Research on Lattice-Based Digital Signature Scheme    


 格密码 ; 数字签名 ; 部分盲签名 ; 群签名 ; 零知识证明    


 Lattice Cryptography ; Digital Signatures ; Blind Signatures ; Group Signatures ; Zero-Knowledge Proof    






In recent years, the rapid development of computer technology and communication technology accelerated the speed of informatization, which made the speed of data interaction and the scale of communication grow unprecedentedly. However, the rapid development of information not only brings great convenience to social life, but also poses great threat on users’ privacy rights and interests. Digital signature, as a hot topic in cryptography research, is a technology widely used in the field of privacy protection, which plays an important role in the information age. However, most of the known constructions rely the security on number-theoretic intractability assumptions and hence turns out to suffer from quantum attacks. To overcome the quantum security vulnerability, some cryptographic schemes that can resist quantum attacks has been proposed. The cryptographic schemes based on the difficult lattice assumptions are considered to be able to resist quantum attacks. Blind signature and group signature are two important branches of digital signature. Partially blind signature is an extension version of blind signature. To improve the performance in application of the existing partially blind signature and group signature schemes, this thesis proposes a partially blind signature scheme and group signature scheme on lattice. The contributions in this thesis are as follows.


(1) We proposed a lattice-based partially blind signature scheme to overcome the drawbacks of security vulnerabilities and low practicability in blind signatures. Blind signature schemes allow messages to be signed without leaking any information about the message to be signed. In blind signatures, the signer cannot get anything about the signed message. To solve this problem, the partially blind signature scheme is proposed. In this thesis, we proposed a partially blind signature scheme based on lattice assumption based on the existing blind signature scheme. The signer and the user publish the common information about the message to be signed together before signing, such as the validity period of the message. Once the common information is published, it cannot be modified illegally. The common information gives the signer the ability to identify the legitimacy of the message to some extent. In addition, we analyzed the correctness of the partially blind signature scheme. At the same time, we proved the partially blindness and unforgeability of proposed scheme. Finally, we analyzed the performance of the proposed scheme from the aspects of communication cost, calculation cost and signature size, and compared the overall performance with other related work. Our scheme enjoys the optimal round complexity and supports a shorter signature.


(2) We proposed a lattice-based group signature scheme to optimize the performance of large group signature size of existing group signature schemes. The performance of most existing lattice-based group signature schemes is limited by the number of group members, and the signature size of these scheme is large. In our construction, we use a new sampling method called Two-Stage Sampling to sample group members’ private keys, which replaces the trapdoor sampling technology in the existing schemes and eliminates the extra signature cost caused by security proof. We analyzed the interactive process of zero-knowledge proof to satisfy the completeness, correctness and zero-knowledge. What’s more, we proved the anonymity and traceability of the group signature scheme. Finally, we discussed the performance of the group signature and calculated the signature size. Compared with the existing lattice-based group signature schemes, our scheme supports shorter signature and the running times of our scheme are independent of the group size.

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