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 Study on the Empirical of Exercise Prescription Based on The Changing Trend of Physical Health of Freshmen from 2009 to 2019    


 大数据 ; 体质健康 ; 运动处方 ; 锻炼计划 ; 运动干预    


 Big data ; physical health ; exercise prescription ; exercise plan ; Sports intervention    





(1) 2009-2019年西安电子科技大学大一学生体质测试成绩中,身体形态方面,男生身高和体重、女生身高随年份变化显著增长;身体机能方面,基本保持稳定;身体素质方面,女生坐位体前屈和仰卧起坐成绩随年份变化增长,男生50米、男生引体向上、女生50米成绩随年份变化下降显著。其余成绩变化均无明显变化。




In recent years, the obesity-, myopia-, and sub-health rate of Chinese adolescents and college students have been increasing year by year. College students’ physical fitness test scores have been decreasing year by year. Therefore, how to rationally design and use exercise prescriptions based on the above-mentioned situation and effectively curb the phenomenon of students' physique decline is the subject of current research. Over the years, there has been ample research on physical fitness test scores. The research on how to improve the physical fitness of students is still lacking.  Research focuses mainly on collecting and analyzing data and lack practical and effective operational programs to improve physical health status. Therefore, the focus is on effectively bettering the level of physical fitness of students in my country.


This paper is divided into two main parts: the first part is an analysis of the data of each item of the physical fitness test for first-year students of XiDian University from 2009 to 2019. And based on the analysis results, it proposes exercise methods and practical and effective feasibility plans suitable for college students. In the second part, expert evaluation and modification of the proposed methods were applied, subsequently implementing the exercise prescriptions through the experimental technique. And, then the analysis and demonstration are carried out to test the paired samples.


In conclusions:

(1)From 2009 to 2019, the physique test results of XIDIAN University have a significant increase in physical form, and the body weight has changed significantly over the year; the physical function is stable; in the physical quality, the girl SITUPS, Sit And Reach, with the year change has changed significantly, and the 50-meter of boys and girls has changed significantly with the year. The remaining results change is not significant.

(2)The two groups of students before and after the physical test results were statistically analyzed: In terms of body shape, there were no significant differences in height, weight, and BMI between the two groups of boys before and after the experiment. Only the weight of the control group of the girl has a significant difference(P<0.05), other items have no significant difference.In terms of physical function, the vital capacity levels of the two groups of students have a very significant difference (P<0.01), which is highly statistically significant.As for physical fitness, the 50-meter run of the two groups of students, Standing long jump, Sit And Reach, 800-meter run and sit-ups for girls, 1,000-meter run for boys, and pull-ups in the experimental group before and after the test results have very significant differences (P<0.01), which is highly statistically significant. The pull-ups in the control group had significant differences(P<0.05), which was statistically significant.

(3)After the experiment, a statistical analysis of physical fitness test scores between the experimental group and the control group, 800 meters for girls, 1,000 meters, 50 meters for boys, and standing long jumps have significantly different (P<0.05), while for boys, standing long jumps were significantly different. There was no significant difference in the performance of the girl's Sit And Reach (P>0.05). The experimental group and the control group have the same performance in body shape and physical function (P>0.05). Although the test grades of the vital capacity, Sit And Reach, standing long jump of boys were not significantly different, the growth rate of the experimental group's performance was higher than that of the control group.

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