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 shuffle 模型中的差分隐私    












 军事学 - 军队指挥学 - 密码学    






















 Differential Privacy in the Shuffle Model    


 差分隐私 ; shuffle模型 ; 键值对 ; 差分遗忘shuffle    


 differential privacy ; shuffle model ; key-value ; differentially oblivious shuffle    










PrivKVM和PCKV,因PrivKVM 机制需要多轮通信提升估计的准确性,而PCKV机制对不同数据集参数选取困难,提出一种基于shuffle模型的改进机制,

并且评估了污染攻击对该算法的影响;最后研究了shuffle 模型中shuffle操作的具体实现方法:



1.提出了一种基于shuffle 模型的键值对数据收集机制,采用更精确的离散化范围,使键值对数据中的值在扰动过后更接近真实值,

    在用户端生成额外的随机数据,扩大shuffle 能提供的隐私性,而且提供更多的参数选择以适用于更多场景。







With the advent of the digital age, the collection and use of big data has become an essential part of many applications. However, data leakage during the collection process can pose a serious threat to the users’ personal privacy, leading to various potential security issues. Differential privacy, as an effective means of privacy protection, has attracted widespread attention from academia and industry. Its basic idea is to add certain noise or random perturbations to the data to protect privacy while ensuring data availability. Differential privacy is generally divided into centralized and localized models. The newly proposed shuffle model can achieve

privacy amplification by adding shuffle operations to locally perturbed data and improve the accuracy of data analysis and estimation.


In this thesis, we first study the working principles and related algorithms of the three models of differential privacy. Secondly, we investigate the differential private data collection problem for key-value pair data and existing localized mechanisms: PrivKVM and PCKV. We observe that PrivKVM requires multi-round communication to improve the estimation accuracy, while for PCKV it is difficult to

select parameters for different dataset. We propose an improved

algorithm based on the shuffle model, and evaluate the impact of pollution attacks

on it. Finally, we study the specific implementation methods of the shuffle

operation in the shuffle model, that is, differentially oblivious shuffle algorithm. For existing algorithms, the onion routing based one requires multi-round communication, although the invertible Bloom lookup table (IBLT) based one requires only one-round communication, it cannot be extended to resist malicious attacks. We propose an improved algorithm. The main achievements are as follows:


1. A key-value pair data collection mechanism based on the shuffle model is proposed. This mechanism adopts a more accurate discretization range, making the values in the perturbed key-value pair data closer to the true value. Additional random data is generated at the user end to further expand the privacy protection provided by the shuffle operation, and more parameter choices are provided for applying in more scenarios. We provide theoretical proofs and simulation experiments for the differential privacy and estimation accuracy of our mechanisim. In addition, we analyze the benefits of three kinds of pollution attacks against our mechanism, which are smaller than those of all existing algorithms.

2. A two-round communication differentially oblivious shuffle implementation algorithm is proposed. In which, we design a two-round, ElGamal encryption based re-encryption IBLT vector secure summation algorithm. It requires only two-round communication, and is easy to extend to resist malicious attackers. We provide relevant theoretical proofs and experimental verification.

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