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 环境规制、区域低碳物流能力对新型城镇化水 平的影响——基于中部六省的实证研究    












 管理学 - 工程管理* - 工程管理    






















 The Effects of Environmental Regulation and Low-Carbon Logistics Capacity on the Level of New Urbanization in Six Central Provinces of China    


 环境规制 ; 区域低碳物流能力 ; 新型城镇化水平 ; 熵权法 ; 静态面板模型    


 Environmental regulation ; Low-carbon logistics capabilities ; New urbanization levels ; Entropy method ; Static Panel Model    




In today’s wave of rapid social development, climate warming is the inevitable result of global climate change, and greenhouse gases are the main culprit of climate warming. China’s economic
growth will continue at a relatively high level in recent years, which will lead to higher income levels, higher per capita energy consumption, and more serious environmental pollution.
The balance between rapid economic development and environmental protection has become an important issue of concern for all sectors of society. The government hopes to
improve environmental quality by implementing appropriate environmental policies, but the mandatory measures of environmental policies and regulations may be detrimental to the
development of certain industries, thus affecting the economic situation of a region. Therefore, it is very important to study how to make effective trade-offs between environmental protection and economic development.

The rapid development of urbanization in China will cause a huge energy demand. Largescale infrastructure construction in urban areas will consume large amounts of steel, cement, and other raw materials, as well as a large amount of energy, which will lead to a lot of environmental pollution. With the improvement of living standards of urban residents, their consumption needs are also increasing, which will increase the consumption of energy-intensive products on the one hand and stimulate the demand for logistics and distribution on the other. Compared to rural residents, urban residents consume more energy and thus emit more CO2. In response to the above-mentioned situation, a new urbanization strategy with the representative characteristics of ”low energy consumption, low pollution, and high efficiency” has
emerged. Thus, it is particularly important to explore the relationship between the strength of environmental regulation and the development of new urbanization. The improvement of
logistics capacity and the consequent carbon emissions will be the focus of our attention if we want to explore the specific impact of various environmental policies on the level of new urbanization in a region today. Logistics is a comprehensive service industry that integrates transportation, storage, and information and is an important support for the economic development of a region. However, logistics involves the transportation and movement of people, resulting in high energy consumption and huge carbon emissions, which poses a great challenge to the development of new urbanization and green ecological environment protection
in the region.

To explore the interrelationship between environmental regulation, regional low-carbon logistics capacity, and new urbanization level, after considering the location advantages of the six central provinces of China (Shanxi, Anhui, Hubei, Hunan, Henan, and Jiangxi), which have the advantages of bearing east and connecting north and south, and the significant urbanrural
structure differences, this paper uses the inter-provincial panel data of the six central provinces from 2005 to 2019 to explore the specific relationship between environmental regulation, regional low-carbon logistics capacity, and new urbanization level. Based on the data, this paper specifically quantifies the low-carbon logistics capacity and new urbanization level of the region by applying the entropy weight method for indicator construction and explores the relationship between environmental regulation, regional low-carbon logistics capacity, and new urbanization level using individual fixed-effects models of static panel regression.
Based on the results of the empirical study, policy recommendations are given from various perspectives, including environmental regulation, logistics construction, and urban development, respectively. The main findings of this paper are as follows: first, the intensity of environmental regulation and the level of new urbanization shows an overall increasing trend in
the period under study, and there is a significant positive association between environmental regulation and the level of new urbanization. Second, in terms of new urbanization development, all six provinces show a steady increase in the overall trend, specifically, Jiangxi Province has been at a high level of new urbanization, while the new urbanization level in
Henan Province is relatively low. It is hoped that Henan Province can open up new paths in the field of i nnovation, enhance regional c ompetitiveness, and become the backbone of
the central provinces. Thirdly, the impact of environmental regulation on the new urbanization level is partly achieved by improving the regional low-carbon logistics capacity within
a region. Environmental regulation can significantly improve the low-carbon logistics capacity of a region through policy tools and strengthening green production efficiency, and thus indirectly promote the development of new urbanization in the region, and the regional low-carbon logistics capacity plays a mediating role.

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