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 法学 - 马克思主义理论 - 马克思主义中国化研究    






















 Research on Problems and Optimization Paths of Rural Governmance in the New Era    


 新时代乡村治理 ; 现代化 ; 问题 ; 优化路径    


 Rural governance system in the new era ; Modernization ; Issue ; Optimize the path    




Rural governance is the foundation of rural revitalization and an important cornerstone of national governance.The quality of rural governance is directly related to agricultural development, rural prosperity and farmers' prosperity, so improving rural governance capacity and level is not only the need for rural governance modernization, but also the proper meaning of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity.Since the 18th Party Congress,the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has attached great importance to rural governance.With the continuous deepening of reform and the implementation and advancement of rural revitalization strategy, the problems faced by rural governance have gradually diversified and become more complicatedHow to base on the new era, improve the level of rural governance, and accelerate the process of rural governance modernization, it is necessary to deeply study the problems and challenges facing the current rural governance.Taking politics, autonomy, rule of law, rule of virtue, and intelligent governance as the research perspectives, this paper takes the governance subject, governance mode and governance means as important starting points, analyzes the problems faced by rural governance in the new era, and proposes corresponding solutions to these problems, so as to improve the level of rural governance and accelerate the process of rural governance modernization.The details are as follows:

The first part is the theoretical basis of rural governance in the new era. Through literature combing and policy reading, the theoretical basis of rural governance in the new era is sorted out, mainly including: Marx and Engels' theory on grassroots governance, the rural strategic thinking of the Communist Party of China and the rural governance thought in the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.
The second part is the new characteristics and value demands of rural governance after entering the new era. After entering the new era, with the change of the main contradictions in China's society, rural governance goals, subjects, models, means, etc. have shown certain new characteristics: the governance goal is effective governance in order to achieve "good governance", and the governance subject is one core and pluralistic, focusing on its synergistic role; the governance model is “three integrated rules of governance” to reflect its comprehensive advantages; the governance method is technology empowerment to improve the level of digital governance;The value appeal of rural governance in the new era is to adhere to the people-centered and adhere to common prosperity.

The third part is the analysis of the problems and causes faced by rural governance in the new era. Taking the new characteristics and value demands of the new era as the criterion,  we will start from the basic elements such as the subject, mode and means of rural governance to examine the problems faced by the modernization of rural governance. These problems include:  the party's political leadership needs to be further strengthened, other pluralistic subjects have not yet formed an effective and coordinated governance pattern, the construction of the rule of law is slow, the results of the rule of ethics are insufficient, and the construction of intelligent governance is lagging behind. The reasons for these problems are not only the factors of insufficient party group construction and insufficient supply of collaborative system, but also the factors of insufficient understanding of the concept of “three integrated rules of governance” and limited scientific and technological support capacity.

The fourth part is the optimization path of rural governance in the new era. In terms of party organization building, it is necessary to strengthen party leadership, give full play to the advantages of party building, and transform it into governance efficiency; In terms of governance subjects, it is necessary to improve the collaborative governance mechanism of multiple entities and build a pattern of rural governance that is jointly built, governed, and shared; In terms of the integration of the three governance, it is necessary to continue to improve the governance system of autonomy, rule of law and rule of ethics, and further activate rural governance; In terms of governance means, it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of information infrastructure and digital awareness to provide strong technical support for rural governance.

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