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 The Phenomenological study of Music of Roman Ingarden    


 罗曼·英伽登 ; 音乐现象学 ; 实验音乐 ; 纯粹意向性    


 Roman Ingarden ; Phenomenology of music ; Experimental music ; Pure intentionality    






Roman Ingarden is a famous phenomenological aesthetician in Poland in the 20th century, and is also considered to be the founder of musical phenomenology. In his book "Music Works and Their Identities", he mainly explained his viewpoint of musical phenomenology. thinking that music works are pure intentional objects like other art forms. This article focuses on the ontological issue of musical works, mainly based on Ingarden's theory of musical phenomenology, analyzes musical works, and on the basis of comparing his phenomenological theories such as literature, After analyzing the selected musical works, we will further explain the "visual", "hierarchical", "pure intentionality" and other issues of musical works, and provide answers to the skepticism and attempts of Ingarden by the academic community, ultimately revealing the metaphysical nature of musical works and highlighting the disciplinary attributes of musical phenomenology.


Through the study of Ingarden's philosophy of music, he first discusses the "representation" of music works in people's intuitions, that is, the way of existence of music works. Then he began to examine the characteristics of musical compositions; Finally, we get the concept that musical works are "pure intentional objects". However, when describing the "representation" of musical works, it only discusses from the perspective of hearing, but the appreciation and feeling of musical works from ancient times to the present have to mention visual participation, especially since the late 20th century, with the development of audio-visual technology, the proportion of visual participation in the appreciation of musical works has been increasing. Therefore, in addition to discussing the performance, listening experience and music score of music works, it is necessary to consider the influence of vision on music works. As a popular form of music since the late 20th century, experimental music has abandoned the elements of traditional music such as tonality and added a large number of visual elements. Experimental music has become a good medium to supplement Ingarden's music phenomenology theory. Based on the phenomenological theory of music proposed by Ingarden, this paper analyzes music works. Based on the comparison of phenomenological theories such as literature, this paper further interprets the "visuality", "hierarchy" and "pure intentionality" of music works. It also tries to answer the academic doubts about Ingarden, and finally reveals the metaphysical quality of music works and highlights the subject attribute of music phenomenology.

This article consists of the following four parts and a conclusion: The first part is an introduction, mainly focusing on the significance of the topic, literature review, and narrative introduction to Ingarden himself and his ideological origins. In its ideological origins, it mainly introduces Ingarden's inheritance and divergence of Husserl's phenomenological theory. The second part is about the existence of intentionality: Roman Ingarden's phenomenological view of music mainly introduces Ingarden's own phenomenological view of music. The third part is an extension of Ingarden's musical phenomenology, which mainly puts forward different opinions on Ingarden's musical phenomenology theory from the visual expression, hierarchy, and existence of musical works. The fourth part is the improvement of Ingarden's musical phenomenological aesthetic theory based on experimental music, mainly from the perspective of experimental music that deviates from the traditional classical music system.

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