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 卡特福德翻译转换理论指导下科技文本中分词结构的翻译实践报告——以Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach(节选)汉译为例    












 文学 - 翻译 - 英语笔译    
























 A Report on E-C Translation of Participle Constructions in Sci-Tech Texts from the Perspective of Catford’s Translation Shift Theory: A Case Study of Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach (Excerpts)    


 科技英语 ; 英汉翻译 ; 卡特福德翻译转换理论 ; 分词结构    


 English for science and technology ; English-Chinese Translation ; Catford’s Translation Shift Theory ; Participle Constructions    


本文是一篇英汉翻译实践报告,源文选取的翻译材料来自Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach 一书。本书主要讲述了利用人工智能技术解决现代电子战争系统中所出现的问题。源文本属于典型的科技文本,其语言特征突出,词汇方面使用大量的术语和缩略词;句型方面常使用被动句、长难句和无主语句,其中有约344个句中都包含分词结构,这些都是译者在翻译过程中的难点。因此,选择合适的翻译策略对本次翻译任务来说,是至关重要的。





This report is based on the E-C translation task of three chapters in the book Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artistic Intelligence Approach. This book describes how AI techniques can help address the challenges of modern EW. As a scientific and technological text, the source text has unique linguistic features. At the lexical level, terminologies and abbreviations are widely seen in the source text. At the syntactic level, it has a large number of passive sentences, long and complicated sentences , and subject-free sentences. In addition, the participle constructions can be found in 344 sentences, accounting for a large part of the source text, which sets obstacles for the translator. Therefore, the appropriate translation strategy is of great importance to this translation task.


For the aim of enabling the target readers to grasp the main idea of this text clearly, the translator is supposed to present the information in an accurate way with logical expressions. The shift theory put forward by Catford emphasizes the textual equivalence rather than the formal correspondence during the translation process. Thus, the translator chooses it as the guiding theory. This report details the translation shift occurring in the English-Chinese translation of participles by analyzing specific examples. The shift theory is able to guarantee a qualified translation that is faithful to the source text and highly readable to the target readers.


The case study shows that the shift theory is efficient in E-C translation of scientific and technological texts. Structure shifts and class shifts can be applied in translating post-attributive phrases. Level shifts can be adopted when translating past participle words, which are widely used in scientific and technological texts. The sentences with long and complex participle constructions can be translated into short ones by adopting unit shifts. Under the guidance of the shift theory, the translator chooses corresponding translation strategies to ensure that the target text achieves the intended communicative effect.


Through this translation task, it is expected to provide the students in related fields with the knowledge of the application of advanced AI and DL technology in Electronic Warfare. In this report, the translator uses different techniques in E-C translation of participle constructions in sci-tech texts, aiming to provide references in the translation of these texts in this industry. Also, the translator accumulates experience in translation, which will lay a solid foundation for her further improvement.

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