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 A Comparative Study of the Baroque Style in John Donne’s and Anthony Hecht’s Poetry    


 巴洛克风格 ; 内在一致性 ; 人性 ; 平衡 ; 传承    


 baroque style ; inherent consistency ; humanity ; balance ; ; internal inheritance    


十七世纪的英国诗人约翰·多恩(John Donne, 1572-1631)被誉为“玄学派”鼻祖,他的诗歌被公认为具有独创性,其主要特点是意象新颖独特,运用富有哲学意味的思辨来表达复杂的思想感情。安东尼·赫克特(Anthony Evan Hecht, 1923-2004)为美国当代诗坛的重要代表诗人,一生发表了十余部诗集,1968年凭诗集《艰难时刻》获得普利策诗歌奖。他的诗歌辞藻华丽,形式变幻多样,却又直击心灵,揭示人性。然而,赫克特在我国英美文学研究中尚是一位较为生疏的人物,目前对其诗歌研究甚少。本文是对诗人本人及诗歌首次进行系统性的研究。 多恩与赫克特出生相差三百多年,所处的国家和时代背景迥然不同,但是他们的诗歌却具有相似的巴洛克风格。本文试图挖掘出现相似风格的原因进而从诗歌艺术特征,主题张力两个层面对其诗歌巴洛克风格进行阐释,并进一步探索他们的内在一致性。 本文包括六个章节。第一章简要介绍多恩与赫克特及目前对两人已有的研究成果,选题意义及文章结构。第二章回顾了巴洛克起源,巴洛克文学发展及风格特征。第三章探究了两位诗人诗歌呈现出相似的巴洛克风格的根源。多恩的改宗与赫克特的参战经历给他们带来了严重的精神创伤,同时身处混沌的世界,政治动荡,信仰危机加剧了他们的创伤。采用巴洛克,多恩与赫克特含蓄委婉的表达了他们对历史,政治,悲剧的揭露与人性的批判,同时作为知识分子,他们诗歌具有抽象性,而精神创伤以及强烈的孤独感使他们采用巴洛克这种具有强烈象征性与意象性的文字风格表达隐蔽的情感。第四章通过对比,探讨两位诗人诗歌的巴洛克风格艺术特征,他们的诗歌充满奇思妙喻和辛辣讽刺,凸显了不和谐的张力,同时诗歌也独具画面感,在色彩的冲击以及空间的构建中营造了动态的视觉效果。第五章主要揭示了他们诗歌的主题张力及其内在精神。在这混沌的世界中,他们的诗歌充满了对世界的绝望,对死亡的害怕以及对人性的困惑,但是在悲观中,他们仍然努力寻求希望,通过死亡找到人生的终极意义并且通过上帝的救赎,得到心灵的平衡与宁静。第六章为文章结尾部分,包括论文研究成果和不足之处,以期对以后的相关研究作出贡献。 多恩与赫克特都采用巴洛克风格,将他们对人性的思考隐藏在在华丽的文字中,而他们在诗歌中表现出相似的巴洛克风格及内在思想的一致性既是文化的传承,也引导我们思考人性,在超越混乱,寻求人生的终极意义,得到心灵的慰藉。


~John Donne (1572-1631), an English poet in seventeenth century, is honored as the founder of the metaphysical school. His poetry is distinguished for creative use of novel images as well as the intellectual thinking to reveal his perplex thoughts, which is reputed as being ingenious. Anthony Evan Hecht (1923-2004) is a remarkable American poet, whose masterpieces play an important role in modern poetry. In his whole life, he published more than ten poetry collections and in 1968, he won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for the collection The Hard Hours. His poetry is featured by gorgeous rhetoric, changeable forms agreeing with different themes while revealing humanity and hitting heart directly. However, at present, there is few article on Hecht himself and on his poetry in China. Consequently, this is the first thesis that analyzes Hecht systematically, which fills in gaps in the field of literature.

John Donne and Anthony Hecht are from different countries and at different ages, but sharing similar baroque style in their poetry. Adopting baroque as the theoretical framework, this thesis will explore the foundation of the similarity and it will compare and analyze the baroque features in form and theme presented in Donne’s and Hecht’s poetry, and then explore the inherent consistency of the two poets.

This thesis consists of six chapters. In chapter one, brief introduction to John Donne and Anthony Hecht is given respectively, and the current research state, the significance and the structure of this thesis are put forward. Chapter two is a theoretical review of baroque style, ranging form the origin to the development of baroque literature and to the characteristics of baroque style. Chapter three explores the foundation of this comparative study of Donne and Hecht, revealing the reason why the author make a comparison of two poets. Donne and Hecht are both seriously traumatized for their personal life experience. At the same time, the social environment such as the turbulence in political, belief crisis intensify the trauma. Adopting baroque style, Donne and Hecht find a secure and refined way to show a strong response to history, to political and domestic tragedies. Meanwhile, as noble intellectuals, Donne and Hecht tend to develop intellectual thinking and expression, moreover similar mental trauma and the strong sense of loneliness lead them to introducing baroque to expressing their potential emotions. Chapter four mainly discusses the baroque features manifested in Donne’s and Hecht’s poetry. The features are embodied in creating the sense of disharmonious by conceits and satire, meanwhile, the dynamic visual effect is achieved by mixing the different colours wisely, creating a vivid picture in mind. Moreover, the creative use of space construction can not neglect. Chapter five mainly reveals the thematic tension and the inner world concerning Donne’s and Hecht’s poetry. Their poems are filled with the desperation, the dreadful death and the confusion about human nature. However, they still endeavor to seek hope and figure out the ultimate meaning of life through death, meanwhile by the redemption of God, they look forward to receiving balance and peace of mind. In the last chapter, the author concludes the research findings and limitations in order to contribute to the further studies on this topic.

Employing baroque style, Donne and Hecht reveal their intellectual thinking about the chaotic world and humanity, which presents the inherent consistency of masterpiece as well as the internal inheritance of thinking and culture. Their attitude towards suffering and trauma and their endeavor to gain redemption of their hearts provides some food for thought, encouraging us to surpass the chaotic world to find the ultimate value of life and the peace of our mind.

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